Ambulance Called To South Carolina Abortion Facility

Hayden Laye
3 min readNov 20, 2021


On Friday, November 19th, 2021 at 1:58 pm eastern time an ambulance from the Richland County EMS was called to the Columbia, South Carolina Planned Parenthood Abortion Facility. This is the third time an ambulance has had to be called to the abortion facility this year.

The first incident happened back on January 12, 2021, for a “patient bleeding out” per 911 call transcripts.

The second happened on September 24, 2021, and transcripts show that this was for “abnormal bleeding.”

All three incidents happened on “abortion-only days” with abortionist Harvey Brown present.

“Something is going on. There have never been so many ambulances in such a short time. THE ABORTIONIST Harvey Brown, IS 76 YEARS OLD if my research is correct. The staff turnover rate is very high.

Five of the regular employees left after the last ambulance came September 24. We are seeing many new fill-in employees with out of state plates” said Mark Baumgardner, Founder and President of A Moment of Hope, adding, “Abortion is never safe for the baby. An abortion is considered a failure if the baby doesn’t die. And yet, abortion is — besides its harmful emotional and psychological effects- is often physically unsafe for the mother as well. Many women have died from abortion complications, and scores more will be unable to have children in the future due to damage and scarring to the uterus.”

Baumgardner said AMOH will be requesting audio and transcripts of this incident.

In addition to the three ambulance calls, Check My Clinic list these violations from back in 2015:

  • No background checks on file for staff
  • The facility had no documentation of CPR training for staff
  • There was no documentation of orientation for staff
  • There was no documentation of HIPAA training for staff
  • There was no job description for 2 staff members
  • The job description for one of the physician listed that he would perform abortion procedures up to 19.6 weeks when the state regulations is that abortions over 18 weeks would be performed in a hospital (their website now says that they preform surgical abortion until 14 weeks).
  • Facility did not comply with the state’s Woman’s Right to Know act by performing abortions before the 60 minute required waiting period after the sonogram
  • Facility failed to follow the state’s regulations for disposal of fetal remains or the infectious waste disposal regulations
  • The facility did not have a written policy regarding fetal death or death certificates
  • In 100% of the records reviewed there was no documentation of the clinical assistant who was present during the abortion procedure
  • Facility failed to maintain complete and accurate patient records




Hayden Laye

Pro-Life for the Whole-Life Democrat writing and fighting to end abortion and the death penalty. DONATE: