Mental Health Matters
2 min readSep 5, 2020


Ask yourself, are you genuinely happy?

To tell you the truth I can’t remember the last time I felt genuine happiness. Of course I’ve had happy moments where I’ve laughed uncontrollably and smiled until it hurts but there’s always this numbness and sadness I feel which is dimming the light. It’s left me wondering is it just me that experiences it?

It could be the sunniest day, I could be surrounded by all the people I love, eating my favourite foods and nothing. I wait for that overwhelming feeling of happiness to take over my body.. But, it doesn’t come. Is it because I feel I don’t deserve happiness or because I’m just not capable of it?

Over the last few years I’ve been searching for happiness and I can’t tell you I’ve come any closer. I’ve taken myself out of my comfort zone in the hope to discover new feelings I thought I was incapable of. I’ve made myself do more rather than moping around on the sofa ( even though the whole time I’m wishing to be on the sofa!) and no such luck.

I look around me and I’m constantly seeing happy smiling faces and I wonder are these people truly happy? Or are they like me, and feel mediocre happiness in that moment but are actually in a deeply unhappy place a lot of the time. I find it hard to contemplate that someone could just be happy and nothing else.

So tell me, have you ever felt genuine happiness? What’s the secret?



Mental Health Matters

Here to discuss all things mental health. Lets discuss, lets open up, lets be honest.