Goal of every man


HE Be Interesting
3 min readSep 10, 2015

Fitness is now becoming a trend among both men and women alike. The goal of every man is to have a body so fit and fine, that it would even make the Greek goddess Aphrodite drool! –The body of an Adonis!

But besides having a good body, proper grooming is required. A lot of products have been on the rise –soaps, men’s deodorant, trimmers and more. But besides these products and grooming, a good body is a necessity. No amount of men’s deodorant will help you snag a partner if you don’t look as healthy as you’re supposed to. So here are some tips to take note of to build up and tone that body of yours. It’s time to impress the ladies!

A good diet

The first image that pops into one’s head when they hear the word diet is someone avoiding anything and everything. Crash dieting (though one of the most popular fads) is definitely not a diet program that you should take up. It can do more harm than good as it not only gets rid of the fat in your body, but those invaluable muscles as well.

Start your day with a healthy and heavy breakfast. A good breakfast helps to kick-start your metabolism first thing in the morning. It raises your metabolism level and also stabilizes your energy levels.

Also, don’t forget to eat every few hours! A good “healthy” munch every once in a while is good as it prevents you from feeling too hungry and binge eating when the time for a meal comes.

Once in a week you can have a little cheat-eat. Taking a break from your diet and indulge in your cravings. It can surprisingly help you to follow your diet plan properly.


Water. Yes drink a lot of water. Consume 2–3 litres of water every day for a good healthy body. It also keeps your skin hydrated and helps you to detoxify.

Eliminate alcohol, carbonated drinks, and even packaged juices from your diet as they give you unnecessary calories which you don’t really need.

While eating

While eating, a good rule toi keep in mind is to divide your meal into 4 portions. ½ portion of your meal should consist of veggies/fiber, 1/4th portion of carb products and the remaining 1/4th portion of protein. This will let you have a balanced meal on your plate, and will also leave you feeling fuller than usual.

Also, eat slowly and chew your food properly. The average brain requires around 15 minutes to register that the stomach is full. So, avoid eating in a hurry, as there are chances that you may overeat.


Besides following a regular diet, a regular exercise routine is a must. Even 20–25 minutes every day will do wonders. Exercise helps hasten the weight reduction process as well as it helps in regulating muscle gain. Try having a workout partner. It makes your exercising schedule more enjoyable. Also, a little competition doesn’t hurt.


Unbelievable to many, but sleep plays an important factor to getting a fit body. Your body needs around 8 hours of sleep to recover from a tiring day/workout. Also, a lack of sleep can mess with your hormones and make you gain weight instead!

Image Source: tophdgallery
Credits: HE Deodorant



HE Be Interesting

HE Deodorant- Confident | Extrovert | Magician | Recharged | Ruler | Smart | – He is all of them. WHICH are YOU?