Faker: Python is Just a Fake Away! 🎭

Manoj Das
8 min readAug 9, 2023


What is Faker? A comprehensive guide to Faker library of Python. Let’s fake way with Faker.

Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Faker is a Python package that allows you to generate fake data, such as names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and more. It’s often used in software development and testing to create realistic-looking data for various purposes, such as populating databases, simulating user interactions, or generating sample data for demonstrations.

Faker provides a simple and convenient way to generate random data that resembles real-world information without having to manually come up with such data yourself. This can be especially useful when you need to create large datasets for testing or demonstration purposes.


The Faker library was created by Ben Burkert, also known by his online handle “deepflame,” and its development started around 2008. Ben Burkert initially developed Faker as a small project to generate fake names and email addresses for his own use. He later decided to share the project with the public by open-sourcing it on GitHub.

The library gained popularity over time as more developers found it useful for their projects. It continued to evolve and expand its capabilities, incorporating support for generating a wide range of fake data types, including names, addresses, phone numbers, dates, text, and more. Faker is actively maintained and had a thriving community of contributors.

Faker has been integrated into various programming languages beyond Python, including PHP and Ruby, with language-specific ports and adaptations based on the original Python version.

Starting from version 4.0.0, Faker dropped support for Python 2 and from version 5.0.0 only supports Python 3.7 and above.


Install with pip:

pip install Faker


Faker revolutionizes the creation of synthetic data for a multitude of applications. With its expansive repertoire of functions, Faker empowers developers and testers to effortlessly generate realistic yet entirely fictional data, spanning personal profiles, addresses, email accounts, phone numbers, and even sophisticated details like credit card information. This dynamic toolkit proves invaluable in crafting diverse datasets for development, quality assurance, and visualization purposes.

Beyond mere data generation, Faker’s prowess extends to emulating real-world scenarios, enabling the seamless simulation of user interactions, formulating comprehensive test cases, and facilitating the demonstration of software functionalities. By offering a simple and elegant solution to the perpetual need for artificial data, Faker solidifies its role as an essential component in modern software development, enabling innovation, efficiency, and precision in an increasingly data-driven world.


from faker import Faker

# Create a Faker instance
fake = Faker()

# Example 1: Generating fake text-related data
print("\nExample 1:")
for _ in range(2):
print("Random Word:", fake.word())
print("Sentence:", fake.sentence())
print("Text (100 characters):", fake.text(max_nb_chars=100))
print("-" * 20)

# Example 2: Generating fake names and addresses
print("Example 2:")
for _ in range(5):
print("Name:", fake.name())
print("Address:", fake.address())
print("-" * 20)

# Example 3: Generating fake email addresses and phone numbers
print("\nExample 3:")
for _ in range(5):
print("Email:", fake.email())
print("Phone:", fake.phone_number())
print("-" * 20)

# Example 4: Generating fake dates
print("\nExample 4:")
for _ in range(5):
print("Date of Birth:", fake.date_of_birth())
print("Future Date:", fake.future_date(end_date="+30d"))
print("-" * 20)

# Example 5: Generating fake lorem ipsum text
print("\nExample 5:")
for _ in range(2):
print("-" * 20)

# Example 6: Generating fake credit card information
print("\nExample 6:")
for _ in range(2):
print("Credit Card Number:", fake.credit_card_number())
print("Credit Card Expiry:", fake.credit_card_expire())
print("-" * 20)

# Example 7: Generating fake job-related data
print("Example 7:")
for _ in range(5):
print("Job Title:", fake.job())
print("Company:", fake.company())
print("Industry:", fake.industry())
print("-" * 20)

# Example 8: Generating fake internet-related data
print("\nExample 8:")
for _ in range(5):
print("Username:", fake.user_name())
print("Domain Name:", fake.domain_name())
print("URL:", fake.url())
print("-" * 20)

# Example 9: Generating fake geographic data
print("\nExample 9:")
for _ in range(5):
print("City:", fake.city())
print("Country:", fake.country())
print("Latitude:", fake.latitude())
print("Longitude:", fake.longitude())
print("-" * 20)

# Example 10: Generating fake random data
print("\nExample 10:")
for _ in range(5):
print("Random Letter:", fake.random_letter())
print("Random Element from List:", fake.random_element(["apple", "banana", "cherry"]))
print("Random Digit:", fake.random_digit())
print("-" * 20)

# Example 11: Generating fake UUIDs and GUIDs
print("\nExample 11:")
for _ in range(5):
print("UUID4:", fake.uuid4())
print("GUID:", fake.guid())
print("-" * 20)

# Example 12: Generating fake file-related data
print("\nExample 12:")
for _ in range(5):
print("File Name:", fake.file_name(extension="txt"))
print("File Extension:", fake.file_extension())
print("File MIME Type:", fake.mime_type())
print("-" * 20)

# Example 13: Generating fake vehicle-related data
print("\nExample 13:")
for _ in range(5):
print("Vehicle Make:", fake.vehicle_make())
print("Vehicle Model:", fake.vehicle_model())
print("License Plate:", fake.license_plate())
print("-" * 20)


Each of the generator properties (like name, address, and lorem) are called "fake". A faker generator has many of them, packaged in "providers".

from faker import Faker
from faker.providers import internet
fake = Faker()
Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

How to create a Provider

from faker import Faker
fake = Faker()
# first, import a similar Provider or use the default one
from faker.providers import BaseProvider
# create new provider class
class MyProvider(BaseProvider):
def foo(self) -> str:
return 'bar'
# then add new provider to faker instance
# now you can use:
# 'bar'

How to create a Dynamic Provider

Dynamic providers can read elements from an external source.

from faker import Faker
from faker.providers import DynamicProvider
medical_professions_provider = DynamicProvider(
elements=["dr.", "doctor", "nurse", "surgeon", "clerk"],
fake = Faker()
# then add new provider to faker instance
# now you can use:


faker.Faker can take a locale as an argument, to return localized data. If no localized provider is found, the factory falls back to the default LCID string for US english, ie: en_US.

from faker import Faker
fake = Faker('it_IT')
for _ in range(10):
# 'Elda Palumbo'
# 'Pacifico Giordano'
# 'Sig. Avide Guerra'
# 'Yago Amato'
# 'Eustachio Messina'
# 'Dott. Violante Lombardo'
# 'Sig. Alighieri Monti'
# 'Costanzo Costa'
# 'Nazzareno Barbieri'
# 'Max Coppola'

Factory Boy

Factory Boy already ships with integration with Faker. Simply use the factory.Faker method of factory_boy:

import factory
from myapp.models import Book
class BookFactory(factory.Factory):
class Meta:
model = Book
title = factory.Faker('sentence', nb_words=4)
author_name = factory.Faker('name')


The Faker library provides a wide range of functions to generate various types of fake data. Here is a list of some of the commonly used functions included in the Faker library:

Personal Information:

  • name()
  • first_name()
  • last_name()
  • prefix()
  • suffix()
  • email()
  • phone_number()
  • date_of_birth()
  • ssn()

Address Information:

  • address()
  • city()
  • state()
  • country()
  • postcode()
  • street_address()


  • user_name()
  • domain_name()
  • url()
  • ipv4()
  • ipv6()


  • word()
  • sentence()
  • paragraph()
  • text()

Lorem Ipsum:

  • paragraphs()


  • random_digit()
  • random_int()
  • random_element()
  • random_elements()


  • date_this_century()
  • date_this_decade()
  • date_this_year()
  • date_time_this_year()
  • future_date()
  • past_date()

Company Information:

  • company()
  • industry()
  • catch_phrase()


  • credit_card_number()
  • credit_card_expire()


  • file_name()
  • file_extension()
  • mime_type()


  • vehicle_make()
  • vehicle_model()
  • license_plate()


  • pybool()
  • py_int()
  • pyfloat()
  • pystr()
  • pyiterable()
  • pytuple()
  • pylist()
  • pydict()
  • pyset()
  • pyiterable()
  • pydict()
  • pyiterable()
  • pyset()
  • pyiterable()
  • pydict()
  • pyset()
  • pyiterable()
  • pyset()
  • pyiterable()
  • pydict()
  • pyiterable()
  • pyset()

Advantages of Faker

The Faker Python library offers several advantages that make it a valuable tool for developers, testers, and other professionals involved in software development and data-related tasks:

  1. Efficient Data Generation: Faker provides a streamlined and efficient way to generate large volumes of realistic and diverse fake data, saving time and effort compared to manual data entry or scripting.
  2. Realism and Diversity: The library offers a wide range of data types, ensuring that the generated data closely resembles real-world information. This diversity is crucial for testing and demonstrating various software features.
  3. Privacy and Security: For scenarios where real user data must be protected, Faker allows you to work with synthetic data, eliminating the need to handle sensitive information in non-secure environments.
  4. Consistency in Testing: When testing software, having consistent and repeatable test data is essential. Faker provides the ability to generate consistent data across different test runs, enhancing the reliability of testing processes.
  5. Scenario Simulation: Faker facilitates the simulation of specific scenarios, user interactions, and data variations, allowing developers and testers to emulate real-world situations and assess the performance and functionality of software more effectively.
  6. Ease of Use: The library’s user-friendly API and intuitive syntax make it easy for developers, even those without extensive programming experience, to generate fake data quickly and efficiently.
  7. Customization: Faker enables customization of generated data by allowing you to specify locales, languages, and other parameters. This flexibility is beneficial for tailoring data to specific regions or use cases.
  8. Database Seeding: Faker is commonly used for populating databases with initial test data during application development, ensuring that database interactions and queries can be thoroughly tested.
  9. Visualization and Presentations: For presentations, documentation, and data visualization purposes, Faker helps create realistic-looking data that accurately represents potential real-world scenarios.
  10. Open Source and Active Community: Being an open-source project, Faker benefits from a vibrant and active community of developers and contributors, leading to continuous improvement, updates, and the addition of new features.
  11. Cross-Linguistic Support: Faker supports multiple languages and locales, making it a versatile tool for generating data in various languages and cultural contexts.
  12. Reduced Development Costs: Faker can significantly reduce the time and costs associated with creating and managing datasets, especially for testing, training, and demonstration purposes.


While Faker is a powerful and versatile library for generating fake data, it does have some limitations to keep in mind:

  1. Data Realism: While Faker strives to generate realistic data, it may not always perfectly mimic real-world data. In some cases, the generated data might not accurately represent the nuances and complexities of actual data.
  2. Limited Validation: Faker does not perform data validation or enforce data integrity rules. Generated data may not always conform to specific constraints or validation requirements that real data must adhere to.
  3. Not Suitable for Production: Faker is primarily intended for development, testing, and demonstration purposes. It should not be used to generate production data or as a replacement for secure data storage.
  4. Complex Data Relationships: Generating data with complex relationships, such as interrelated tables in a database, may require additional customization and scripting beyond the capabilities of Faker alone.
  5. Language Limitations: While Faker supports multiple languages and locales, the quality and comprehensiveness of data may vary across different languages, with some languages having more developed datasets than others.
  6. Noisy Data: Faker-generated data may contain inconsistencies, outliers, or unrealistic values, which might not accurately represent the actual distribution of data in real-world scenarios.
  7. Limited Contextual Awareness: Faker generates data independently and may not always take into account the context of the data generation. For instance, the generated email addresses may not be valid or unique in a real email system.
  8. Limited Data Types: While Faker covers a wide range of data types, it might not provide specialized data formats required for certain industries or domains.
  9. Inadequate for Machine Learning: Faker-generated data is not suitable for training machine learning models that require a high degree of complexity and real-world accuracy.
  10. Updates and Maintenance: While Faker has an active community, it might not receive updates or new features as frequently as other widely-used libraries, potentially resulting in outdated data or missing features.
  11. Large Datasets: Generating very large datasets with Faker might be time-consuming and memory-intensive, especially for complex data types.
  12. Limited Customization for Some Data Types: While many data types in Faker can be customized, certain data types might have limited customization options or may require additional workarounds for specific requirements.

Keep faking, But don’t fake your smiles….😁

— — —

Why did the software tester use Faker when studying for their exam?

Because they needed to “fake” their way to success!


