Apple Juice for Constipation

Maher D.
4 min readFeb 12, 2022


Are you struggling with getting rid of constipation? You are not alone! Find out in this article how apple juice for constipation can help you relief.

What is Constipation?

Constipation is defined as a decrease in the frequency of bowel movements, when a person does not have any bowel movement for more than three days. It’s important that your bowel moves at least once per day.

Constipation is a very common problem that affects many people in their lifetime. It is estimated to affect about half of all adults and even more children.

Constipation can cause cramps, pain and bloating

Constipation Causes

Constipation is often a symptom of something, and it can be hard to figure out what it is. There are many causes for constipation, including:

1. Dehydration

2. Low fiber intake in the diet

3. Lack of exercise

4. Food sensitivities

5. Hypothyroidism

6. Depression

7. Aging (old people)

8. Some medications being taken

Where is Constipation Pain Felt?

Constipation pain can be felt on the inside of the rectum near the anus and in the stomach. Constipation pain typically spreads upwards from the lower abdomen on the outside of the body.

Constipation is a painful condition that usually occurs when the stool exceeds three to four hard, dry stools per week. The pain can be excruciating and become persistent if not treated properly.

What Constipation Can Cause?

Constipation can cause many health issues, which would make it much more difficult for the stool to pass since there is a lack of lubrication.

Constipation can cause the following issues and symptoms:

1. Bleeding in between the rectum and anus

2. Bothersome gas to occur in the intestines

3. Pain

4. Cramps

5. Bloating

This can lead to dehydration and lack of minerals or vitamins if left untreated.

Apple Juice for Constipation

Does apple juice help with constipation?

Yes, apple does help with constipation. Frequently apple juice is recommended to people who are having difficulty with constipation.

Apples are a good source of fiber and pectin, which help with digestion. Pectin helps to increase peristalsis, the process by which food moves through the digestive tract. Pectin also acts as a bulking agent when consumed with water so it can help to increase stool bulk and frequency.

Apple juice for constipation

Apple juice for constipation is recommended to try because it contain malic and citric fruits acids that can help with the process of absorbing water, adding bulk to fecal matter, softening stools, and drawing moisture from the colon.

Apple juice for constipation can be used as a remedy because of its high water content and electrolytes. All natural apple juices will not contain any added preservatives, colorings, or sugars.

Allergy to Apple Juice

Some people are allergic to apple juice for the simple reason that the pulp in apples contains a natural enzyme called pectinase. Pectinase breaks down pectin, a type of fiber found in fruits and vegetables, which is thought to cause bloating (such as in constipation).

When someone consumes apple juice, they can be sensitive or have an adverse reaction because their body is recognizing that it’s not getting the fiber it needs.

If you are allergic to apple juice, you should look for an alternative solution to your constipation.

Constipation Versus Bowel Obstruction

Constipation is when a large mass of undigested food gets stuck in the digestive tract, and causes a lot of pain. The problem is that there isn’t really much available treatment for it nowadays (the most common treatment would be to eat fiber-rich foods or drinks like apple juice).

Bowel obstruction is when the blockage has reached the intestines, and one has pain so severe that they can’t even put anything else down their pipes; it’s usually caused by some other disease, like appendicitis or diverticulitis.


Apple juice for constipation is a good home remedy to try because apples are a great source of fiber which, when combined with water, makes an excellent drink for relieving constipation.

You should see a doctor in case of constipation continues, despite your efforts to treat it through any home remedy.

All in all, it is important to drink plenty of fluids while on a constipation diet and to regularly eat fiber-rich foods to avoid constipation in the future.

Useful references about apple juice for constipation and other benefits:

