Come meet your

3 min readAug 14, 2014

#health + #technology + #design partner!

We #makehealth Fest — brought to you by

Post by @joyclee, co-conspirator of and the We Make Health Fest! Fantastic designs by Sam Oliver and Xiaoying He from the Stamps School of Art and Design.

We are super excited about our big event, the inaugural We Make Health Fest coming up in just 2 days here at the University of Michigan!

We have 3 major goals with this event:

  • To encourage “design for health” at a grassroots level; even children should think of themselves as designers! (Stay tuned for B’s presentation at the event!)
  • To learn about new tools and technologies that could be used to promote health (wellness or chronic disease management)!
  • To bridge the gap between a technical and design community whose members want to work on health projects but need a health partner, and health partners (patients, caregivers, researchers) who have ideas but need a technical collaborator to bring them to life!

To achieve our last purpose, with students from the Stamps School of Art and Design, we created nametags that might help people figure out how to find their match. It started with our logo and this idea on a whiteboard wall:

This first prototype evolved into this one: a nametag with the outline of our logo.

The H stands for HEALTH = healthcare partner, patient, caregiver, provider

The D stands for DESIGN = Designer, Artist

Is it a plus sign or a T? We are using it for both. T stands for TECHNOLOGY = technologist, programmer, maker, tinkerer

We have printed up some stickers that can be placed on top of the logo outline on the nametag.

So now you can figure out who is health, technology, design, or all of the above!

Here’s mine for the event:

I identify as health, technology, and design!

What about you?

Can’t wait to see you there!

Come to the We Make Health Fest on August 16th, 2014 in Palmer Commons at the University of Michigan or follow hashtag #makehealth on Twitter! Please follow @healthbyus on Twitter and please sign up for our mailing list so that you can join and contribute!

We must acknowledge the fantastic designs of @UM_Stamps students Sam Oliver (logo) and Xiaoying He (name tag design and maker buttons)!




A real and virtual community passionate about health and design