Introducing HealthDesignBy.Us

We make health! Spread the word!

1 min readJun 17, 2014

Who are we?

Students, staff, and faculty at a large midwestern university in a town with the letters AA interested in health, technology, and participatory design?

Patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers interested in co-design and partnership for better health?

Researchers seeking interdisciplinary collaborations to create behavior change with technology?

Makers creating tools, technologies, and systems for their own health?

Hackers creating open source solutions that can scale innovations rapidly?

Techies? Designers? Artists? Engineers? Community Members? Scientists? Patients? Advocates? Doctors? Nurses? Researchers? Administrators? Health Professionals? Public Health Professionals? Kids?


Yes, you, if you are passionate about health, technology, and participatory design!

Sign up here to find out more about who “us” is and how you can join and contribute. Follow us on Twitter: @healthbyus is brought to you by Joyce Lee, Matt Kenyon and a local and virtual community!

Please attend our inaugural “We Make Health Fest” at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, on August 16th! For more details go to:




A real and virtual community passionate about health and design