Make Your Own App

2 min readJul 23, 2014

An important first step for participatory medicine

Post by @joyclee, co-conspirator of the We Make Health Fest!

This is a paper app making tool for iPhone and iPad. Download it!

This awesome design was created by Xiaoying He!

I know, it’s paper. It’s not flashy or sleek and doesn’t have the high-tech interactive displays of the iphone 6.

However, it’s a starting point for creation.

“But I can’t afford to make an app”

Yes you can. You just need a printer and some colored pencils! Believe or not some of the best designers in the world, start with paper prototypes just like this one!

“But I can’t draw”

Look and see what this 7 year old created and he’s only 7! You can do it too!

A creation by “A”

“But I can’t program”

Great apps always have to start with an idea, and you have great ideas! Believe it or not, there are more and more technologies available that enable nontechnical people to create. Stencyl is one of them, and does have a learning curve. But one day it will be easy for all of us to become creators and we want to encourage the ideas as an important first step towards health design by us!

Join a movement that encourages you to become a creator of your own tools and technologies for health!

  • Print off as many pages you need of the app design tool.
  • Please share your creations with us by email, tweet to us at @healthbyus using the hashtag #makehealth, or post on our Facebook.
  • Winners will receive prizes for their ideas at our We Make Health Fest on August 16! This free family event at the University of Michigan’s Palmer Commons Great Lakes Rooms will be filled with design and maker activities for health!

YOU are a key contributor to Sign up here to learn more about how you can join and contribute!

These awesome designs were created by Xiaoying He, designer and student at the Penny W. Stamps School of Art and Design.




A real and virtual community passionate about health and design