Numbness in Thigh: Is it Meralgia Paresthetica or Something Else?

2 min readApr 3, 2024


Burning sensation due to Meralgia Paresthetica
Burning Sensations

As a single mom, life throws enough curveballs. But a few years ago, I got hit with a particularly nasty one — Meralgia Paresthetica. Imagine a constant burning sensation on your outer thigh—a prickling numbness that makes even simple tasks like walking and sitting on the couch challenging. That was my new normal.

The frustration was overwhelming. I went from doctor to doctor — rheumatologists, orthopaedics, and neurosurgeons. Everyone had a different theory, but no solution. Physical therapy offered some temporary relief, but the burning would always return. Surgery was the “final option” some doctors suggested, but the risks were far too high. Honestly, the thought of going under the knife terrified me, especially as a single mom who needed to be there for my child.

Then, a glimmer of hope emerged from an unexpected place — a friend living in Germany. They mentioned two things that had helped others with similar conditions: Nervogen Pro, a natural supplement, and wet cupping therapy on the outer thighs and lower back. Desperate for relief, I decided to give it a try.

The difference was remarkable. After just one wet cupping session, the burning sensation seemed less intense. With consistent use of Nervogen Pro, the improvement continued. Within two weeks, the burning was gone! It was a miracle.

This journey taught me the importance of perseverance and exploring alternative pathways to healing. While traditional medicine couldn’t offer a solution that worked for me, natural remedies and a friend’s recommendation became my saving grace.

Today, I’m pain-free and back to living life to the fullest with my child. Meralgia paresthetica may have tried to slow me down, but it ultimately made me a stronger advocate for my health.

