Careers in Social Work- An Interview with Erin Long

Health Education Advocates
2 min readAug 15, 2023

--, Administration for Community Living, January 11, 2019, Administration for Community Living, January 11, 2019

By: Eiman Mir

For Erin Long, taking care of older adults is very important. Over the past two decades, Long has strived to achieve equity for older adults across the country. She has held several positions at the Administration of Aging (AoA) within the Administration for Community (ACL), a federal agency providing support for older adults and people with disabilities. Long explains her love for working at the AoA stating, “I knew that was where [AoA] I wanted to be, the organization was committed to things I believed in supporting older people, supporting the people who gave so much to everybody, to all of us, for the things we have today.”

Long started her educational career with an undergraduate degree in sociology from Old Dominion University in Virginia. After graduating she worked for the AoA before it merged under the ACL. Later in life she decided to go back to school to receive a masters in social work, so she could expand her impact across the country and have the opportunity to lead an AoA grant program.

As someone who always been passionate about caring for older adults, Long volunteered in nursing homes, and assisted livings, as well as completing a practicum in a community living program for people living with disabilities. She encourages anyone interested in social work to start getting involved with volunteer work to find out where your passion is, how you want to make an impact on your community or even the world. She recommends young adults and future leaders, including social workers, “Think about the ways you can help older people, even just the ones walking down the street. It seems inconsequential when you are thinking about it, but for them it’s a big deal,”

“Everyday looks different me,” Long explains. Her day can include anything from working with grantees across the country to helping shape new national programs to support people staying in their homes and communities. No matter what, Long is committed to, “helping people improve the quality of life of both people living with dementia and their caregivers.”

During her time overseeing the the AoA Alzheimer’s programs she and her team have positively impacted the reduction of stigma towards individuals living with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia. The programs AoA funds are increasing awareness through dementia friendly communities, as well as supporting dementia caregivers by providing training to help them support their loved in the best ways possible. Dementia is a widespread condition among older adults, yet it is often misundaaerstood and stigmatized.

Erin Long is an Aging and Disability Program Coordinator at the Administration on Aging (AoA) within the Administration for Community (ACL). You can learn more about the programs for which she is responsible for by checking out the National Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Center at .



Health Education Advocates

Hey! This page is run by Eiman Mir and Akshara Vaddi, cofounders of Health Education Advocates: an organization working to educate others about public health.