Homeopathy vs. Big Pharma

Dylan Rae Cavaricci
3 min readMar 15, 2018


Photo Credits: Huffington Post

Homeopathic medicines are becoming the go to options for doctor’s around Europe for their natural, afforable and safe aspects.

"Like cures like.” — Samuel Hahnemann

Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine created by Samuel Hahnemann in 1796. It is based on his doctrine that the substance that causes symptoms of a disease in healthy people could help cure similar symptoms in the bodies of sick people. He claims, “Like cures like,” and dilution increases potency in disease caused by miasms.

Homeopathy is a pseudoscience which is a belief that is incorrectly presented as scientific. These preparations can’t treat every illness and there is definitely a fine line between when modern medicine is the correct course of treatment.

“Homeopathy a system of complementary medicine in which ailments are treated by minute doses of natural substances that in larger amounts would produce symptoms of the ailment.” — Wikepedia

Basically, you are given the smallest dose of a natural substances that act like a immunization or flu shot to make your body build immunity towards an illness you are experiencing.

Photo Credits: Counter Think / Natural News

Doctors against homeopathy and Big Pharma call this “quackery” but it is the basis of flu shots and immunization they are selling to people all over the world but with unnecessary chemicals.

Big Pharma does not agree with the alternative medicine for multiple reasons including the facts that it is regulated, safe, inexpensive, and can’t be patented. They wish to eliminate the option of natural medicine because homeopathy is growing as a competitor. This causes less income to the pharmacuetical industry and the demand for expensive drugs and medication.

Numerous serveys in the past 150 years, it has been reported that people who seek these alternative treatments are considerably more educated than those who do not. More and more people are turning to natural medications because of all the bad chemicals in prescriptions and over counter drugs being approved during this day in age.

In France alone, there are 79 medicines the government has told it’s citizens to avoid because they do more harm than good. Simple drugs like anti-eczema cream can help cure dry skin but the side effects include skin cancer and Lymphoma or Zyban which helps people stop smoking will cause neuropsychological disorders and possibly very serious allergic reactions.

Photo Credits: Dreams Time

Other countries including Germany, Ireland, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Italy and Eastern Europe have growing populations of doctors and citizens learning about and switching to homeopathic medicines. In Germany especially, medical schools are required to include homeopathy in their curricula with a growing percent of doctors specializing in the field.

There is an enormous gap between homeopathy and Big Pharma with multiple different aspects to the ethical, financial, scientific and heath conscious feud. Homeopathy is growing which causes a scare to the pharmacuetical industry. The important thing is for each person to do their research and decide for themselves which is the best option for their health and well-being.



Dylan Rae Cavaricci

Journalism student passionate about Health and Wellness. Discovering natural remedies and healthy lifestyles to better the mind and bodies of myself and others.