Is Renewable Energy All Divine

Part 2.1

A.Ó Publications
2 min readNov 28, 2023

Well there’s a lot of reasons why hydropower is literally bad, and most of it is brushed of by parts of media to keep people from knowing, there isn’t much traffic around it. And honestly I understand why, we are all so consumed about coal power and it’s CO₂ emissions, not to worry though, I’ll fill you in.

Creator: sekarb | Credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto | Copyright: sekarb

There’s the first and obvious one, it’s cost, those tall walls are definetly not cheap. Then trapping water against the very wall isn’t always safe, dams do collapse, which might lead to manmade floods, but what’s worse is if the water turns toxic. Of course it might be stopped for consuming purposes but what about marine life, it puts that and risk, the cut of water flow forces people to move from their homes because of droughts. It’s impact on the environment is too great.

Photo Obtained from BBC NEWS

Marine life injuries are the product of expensive tidal energy systems installed in the ocean, and they will be more as the drive to convert to the so called greener energy rally’s on. Tidal turbines can harm marine ecosystems in a variety of ways. They interfere with the movement of sea creatures and can also trap them in their blades, if not kill them. They can change the water level and the levels of salt and silt in the water. The underwater noise turbines produce can interfere with sea creatures’ communication, if you’ve seen Siren you might know it already.

Photo Obtained from Process Industry Forum

Despite the complications wave energy has for marine life, it also has many problems for the people who made it. installing these doesn’t just make a awful amount of noise and visual pollution, which negatively impacts the marine ecosystems, but also creates a source of disturbance for private and commercial vessels. Still also managing to cost a lot though very weak in results, is their still more? Well we are still on that path, follow it with me here



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