Top 5 Book Recommendations for Customer Success Leaders

Heather Hernandez
2 min readAug 3, 2022


1. The Power of Moments, by Chip & Dan Heath

The EIPC framework is a fundamental tool for not only CS leaders, but also for any cross-functional partners (product, marketing, sales execs) who are responsible for ensuring a delightful customer experience.

Once you read the book, download the free resources here and design a training for your CS team & CS partners:

2. The Challenger Sale, by Brent Adamson & Matthew Dickenson

Customer Success teams typically own customer up-sells and expansions. So it is vital to learn how to be an effective salesperson. This book is all about providing real value to customers. You’ll learn it’s not just pleasing and harmonizing — but truly partnering and leveraging radical candor in order to provide optimization and value.

3. How to talk to Anyone, by @Leil_Lowndes

Despite a publication date of over two decades ago (1999), this book withstands the test of time. You’ll learn to avoid providing a naked city, never ask what someone does for work (believe me, there’s a much better question which you’ll have to read the book to learn), assume positive intent, and how to be an all-around charming conversationalist. I bet you’ll be surprised that there were basics to learn around being more delightful to speak with.

4. Never Split the Difference, by @fbinegotiator Chris Voss

I read this book with the intention of learning how to negotiate better. I did not realize how much it would focus on empathy, listening, understanding the positioning of key stakeholders, and other critical strategies for CS leaders. This book is so good —I’ve felt hesitant to share the secret sauce with everyone. But rising tides lift all ships; so I’ll choose to share the wealth. You’re welcome for the magic!

5. Difficult Conversations, by Douglas Stone, Bruce Patton, & @sheilaheen

A cornerstone book for all leaders in all industries. Customer Success leaders need to shepherd partners through disappointments, difficult patches, and work towards overall trust and success. In order to build deep trust, it is essential to learn how to engage in difficult conversations. Until you learn these skills, your relationships will suffer.

What do you think? What books am I missing? Let me know what you think in the comments. Happy reading!

Written by Heather Hernandez

You can follow me on Twitter here: @heatherlynn717 or on LinkedIn here.



Heather Hernandez

VP of Customer Success for Health Tech Companies | Views presented here are my own.