Automatic Animations Using Blended List Cameras

3 min readMay 18, 2022


Hello and welcome back, today we’re going to be getting into something that can have a lot of uses for your project: a blended list of virtual cameras. It is almost kind of what it sounds like, a list of camera positions you can blend from one to another, to the next. I LOVE to think of this as like a replay in Mariokart. You get to see different characters from different angles, sometimes driving by your camera and relive what happened in the previous race, like watching Luigi throw a shell at his opponents and pass them up.

If you look in your Hierarchy you’ll now see a parent and children cameras.

Any cameras that are children of the blended list, can be woven between or held on for a moment. They do not have to be basic virtual cameras, they can on a track and dolly, have a different field of view, or have different follow and look at targets. This is actually another way you could make a security camera. You could have two cameras looking at different parts of a hallways, and slowly blend between them, while holding on each camera a moment before slowly blending back.

Let’s make a few cameras and take a look at in the inspector before seeing it in action. I’m going to make 4 virtual cameras looking at a capsule player from around it, and above it. Let’s examiner the blended list camera in the inspector. You’ll be able to see all the cameras attached to it you can use.

And more importantly we can see the inner workings of which cameras to move between, how long it takes to move between them, and how long to hold on different ones.

As you can see here I have made a loop going from camera 1 all the way up to 4, and back to 1. For the purpose of this experiment so you can see how it works, I don’t have the camera holding very long, just enough to get a feel for where the camera is going. You can adjust this however you so choose. Let’s see it in scene view first, and then in the game view.

There! Easily done and adjustable to how you see fit. I’m sure you’ll find many ways to make use of this in your projects to come. See you again soon!




Full time father of two attempts to fill your prescription and become proficient in the world of game dev