My own Flappy Bird Game

Romesa Arain
3 min readApr 7, 2017



Recently, I came across this website called “”, where you can learn the basics of coding and create your own personal game. The website offers you several games to choose from and helps you code. After finish coding, you can also share the URL with your friends and ask them to try it. My experience with the website was quite nice, as I already have interest and knowledge in coding. However, I feel like the website is designed in a way to help beginners learn without having any knowledge of how a code works. By having to code your own version of the game gives you a basic understanding of the coding in a fun environment.

For the one hour code I selected, I chose the Flappy bird as my choice of game. I noticed in order to finish the code, there were different levels with different puzzles to solve. You cannot go on the other level without solving the previous puzzle. To start the code, the website gives you an event block that is already provided in your workspace. Your job is to simply add a right response to the event you have been given. The website also gives you hints along the way for you to easily code the response. Some of the response blocks have a drop down arrow for you to change the setting, for example; if the event block says “when run”, you can choose the response “set speed fast” where the word “fast” is the drop down arrow and can be changed with different other options such as slow, normal, and very fast. The website allows you to run the code as many times as you want until you get it right.

While making the code, all you are doing is dragging and dropping the blocks into the code. But most people don’t realize that each block is actually made up with an HTML code, which helps the block give a command for the computer. It also shows how one line of code can make a difference to your game. Therefore, you need to make sure the code is perfect in order for the game to run smoothly. Once you are done with all the puzzles, you can make your very own custom version of Flappy bird game, where you can decide yourself which codes to use. The website also gives you a certificate at the end showing that you have successfully completed the hour of code.

Personal Screenshot

Here is the URL for my version of Flappy game.


