Wallets and seed phrase

2 min readJan 1, 2024


Short, a crypto wallet is a tool that can
used to interact with the blockchain network. Wallets
are divided into three groups: software, hardware and paper.
Depending on the mechanism of operation, they can also be called
hot or cold.
Hardware wallets are more secure — and so are
paper, which consists of data printed on a sheet
paper. However, their use is currently considered
outdated and unreliable.
The wallet also includes an alphanumeric address
identifier, which is generated based on public and
private keys. You can imagine that the address is your number
bank card. Private key = CVV + code word, which
You indicate when applying for a bank card. That is,
transferring a private key to a third party can be equated to
loss of access to a bank card or all funds on it.
The private key provides access to your cryptocurrencies,
no matter what wallet you use. Thus,
even if your computer or smartphone has been compromised,
you can still access your funds from anywhere
other device, provided you have the appropriate
private key (or seed phrase).
Phrase seeds, unlike private keys, leave less
room for error when it comes to backups,
because they are easier to record and transmit. Usually the seed phrase
consists of 12 or 24 words of strict sequence.
Types of wallets:
1. mobile wallets (1inch, Trust Wallet, SafePal Wallet, etc.);
2. browser extensions (Metamask, Zerion, Rabby Wallet,
Keplr, PolkadotJS, etc);
3. cold wallets (Trezor, Tangem, Ledger, etc.);
4. desktop wallets (Exodus, Electrum, etc.)


