10 stories about mental health

Heimo Community
4 min readOct 9, 2017

10.10. is the World Mental Health Day, so here is 10 user stories about mental well-being and people who encounter their emotional monsters on Heimo.

1. How to change the way I think

There’s something going on in my mind that I can’t control. When there’s a problem, I think of ending my life right away! Even with things that I know will be alright, my mind still tells me that it’ll be better if I’m not going to exist anymore.

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2. I can’t tell my mom, I don’t want to add more worries for her.

My friend and I researched, we had no choice, I can’t go to a doctor since my mom doesn’t know, please tell me my conclusions are wrong, I’ve been studying this for a month. I stopped since I don’t want to jump into conclusions, but my symptoms got worse!

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3. Stress

Seriously, I have millions of things to do, deadlines passed yet not getting started.

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4. Is There a Bright Side to Bipolar Disorder?

Having bipolar disorder means I am a fighter and a survivor. I have been through things other people couldn’t imagine, but I have also become stronger person because of it.

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5. Anxiety about my Future

I am getting more worried because my mother wants me to be a scholar when I become collage because she taught I’m smart enough even tho I’m not :< Next year, I’ll be 4th year highschool already and my parents kept asking me what course would I get in collage and I really don’t know what to answer!

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6. Unloved

I feel unloved. I am unappreciated. I always love more than one deserves. I always give the best thatI can to make them feel loved. I always give everything without making sure they needed it. I always do the same mistakes of giving away much more than one deserves.

But I do not get anything in return. I feel like a fool all the time. I feel so down that all my efforts don’t have recognition. I feel like I’m under the person I was once, not really improving from my previous best

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7 . Fears That Keep Us From Falling In Love 💘

There are some of us who run away from relationships/committing like cats run away from water. Why cats run away from water is a different matter but why we are so scared of falling in love can be explained.

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8. Not every place I fit in is where I belong

Just few people know how I really feel. That I once felt happy here but then people messed with me and everything changed. Not every place I fit in is where I belong. I don’t know where I belong.

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9. I’m Losing My Faith

My friends say it will soon be okay. But when the sun rise up the tears skip down my cheeks. I’m losing my faith.

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10. My friend a black dog

I have a friend that is always there. I feel lonely when I’m with my other friends. I feel that they don’t understand me. Even then I have this special friend with me. It is a black dog. When I have a good day and I even smile, then happens something and the black dog comes. I try to run away but there he is, my friend black dog. You cannot expel him by running. So I stop running and walk as slow as possible to home. It is raining but there my friend black dog is next to me. My other friends try to contact me but I’m in my bed and dog is lying on top of me.

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Today is a good day to say hi and couple nice word to someone. Or share or give clap to his story to raise awareness of mental health issues.

“World Mental Health Day is observed on 10 October every year, with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues and mobilizing efforts in support of better mental health.” WHO



Heimo Community

Heimo is the social media for life challenges. It is about being able tell about your true feelings and thoughts. Sharing the untellable stories safely.