3 min readMay 9, 2018


The Helios Mining Ltd business model for the mining consists of two components.

Personal operations (PO) — include the business activities of the Helios Mining Ltd, associated with the investment, ownership and operation of Autonomous clusters of mining. Token holders are beneficiaries of 100% of their own revenue.

Third-party operations (TPO) — these are activities where an independent company (such as a utility or an investment Fund) acquires clusters that are managed by Helios Mining Ltd. In such operations, Helios Mining Ltd will receive a share of the rewards received during mining. 20% of proceeds from this business model will be distributed among token holders.

Revenue from own operations consists of the total amount of remuneration less the cost of operation of solar panels. These costs include, but are not limited to, land lease costs for clusters, replacement of equipment to ensure continuity of mining operations at Helios Mining Ltd (for performance stability and MCU calculations, such as increasing complexity or decreasing efficiency directly related to the mining process), depreciation and maintenance charges for the company’s overhead costs. The calculation of revenue from third-party transactions depends on the agreement with the third party, but excludes depreciation. 100% of proceeds from own operations and 20% of proceeds from third-party operations will be funds distributed among token holders. But, in our opinion, this is not enough. In order to accelerate revenue growth, we have decided to invest half of our annual revenues in the creation of new Autonomous mining clusters in order to lay the Foundation for additional revenue and exponential growth. Three-quarters of the revenue will be distributed immediately, i.e. on a weekly basis.

Lets see our business models a bit closer.


We manufacture, administer and operate our own fleet of Autonomous mining clusters. Our profits are determined by the rewards less depreciation. Capital expenditures of Helios Mining Ltd are financed by our investors in ICO. In turn, token holders are entitled to 100% of the proceeds, 25% of which Helios Mining Ltd reinvests in order to increase the market share in the future and maximize revenue. The distribution of these dividends will be carried out weekly: 75% of the profit will be paid, and 25% will be re-invested in clusters to increase the volume of dividends of Helios Mining Ltd community. Cluster activity will be maintained as long as it is profitable. If the cluster configuration includes 50% of ASIC chips and 50% of GPUs, the total return on investment of Helios Mining Ltd’s own mining operations is 181% (calculations as of November 24, 2017).) A detailed overview of the main assumptions, cost factors, and profit data is provided in the Annex. Own operations in themselves highly profitable. We are currently in talks with a number of countries in the Middle East. Their interest lies in the exploitation of Autonomous mining clusters in the framework of vertical integration to ensure their profitability in a complex environment of energy markets.


In case of third-party operations, production and maintenance of clusters is carried out by Helios Mining Ltd, but investments are made by external partners called “third parties”. As “third parties” there may be investment funds or corporations who are interested in increasing profits. By converting solar energy into electricity, a simple resource, into sophisticated crypto — mining services, corporations lower the value chain and increase their income in mining. In addition to third-party operations (TPO), we offer companies wishing to increase their income, our experience in mobile crypto-mining, as well as the capital base and increase profits for token holders. Company Helios Mining Ltd will charge a percentage of the total revenues received from mining by a third party, to ensure the operation of the clusters, and to pay to the holders of tokens 20% of revenues.




First closed-circuit mining ICO based on solar power and immersion cooling. More info: www.helioss.io