HeliosTeam intermediate results. Limited time offer.

Dear token holders and future investors!

3 min readAug 28, 2018


Almost 4 months passed since we started our ICO. Over 300k euro collected with no advert at all.
Lots of warm words and community creations… Today we want to share our achievements with you and answer some important questions.

Achievement #1
First of all we are very proud to show you our MVP facility where we tested all our developments since last year. If you follow our social media resources you probably already saw it. But what the hell, we will show you again :)

HeliosCoin MVP cluster footage. Helios Anthem.

Achievement #2
Also we started to prepare our main land for main cluster building. In case if missed it here is the video of land preparation.

Plot preparation

Achievment #3
We finally finished our tests and started a mass production of perfect replacement to expensive immersion cooling baths which are made to work with ASICs only and started to produce worlds first immersion cooling rigs suitable for GPU mining. What it means? Hmm , let me think about it…. How about that soon everyone could afford GPU mining rig to be right in their room with low heat and noice reduction!!! Great, isn’t it? Of course first of all it was made to achieve our great plan — make mining autonomous and more profitable. Why we decided to avoid ASICS? Because ASICS are made for particular algo to mine, and GPU gives you a full freedom…You can mine anything you want… with the size of normal desktop case.

Well you got our point and here how it was from the scratch to mass production.

Prototype sketch
Prototype sketches
Life and welded
Test with immersion liquid
Aftertest results
GPU immersion cooling rig rack station

And If you were not lazy enough and read to this line — here is your reward.

!!!! 35% bonus on our token purchase only for 48 hours !!!!

Great chance to jump in for new investors and increase your profit for existing ones.

To get your bonus you need to purchase tokens in our ICO and contact our Telegram support with the code: IWANT35

So, as you can see, we didn’t stop our development even than the market is in bad shape….and what are you waiting for? This is the most generous offer of this year!!! Go ahead, get some HLC to build the biggest autonomous mining farm ever…




First closed-circuit mining ICO based on solar power and immersion cooling. More info: www.helioss.io