We solved the cooling problem!!!

2 min readMay 28, 2018


Just attractive pic)

It is the heating of the graphics cards in the process of their work that leads to the need for all those activities that are discussed in this article. Why do they even get hot?

From school physics course we can remember that there is a law of conservation of energy, which States that energy never disappears and does not appear again, it can only turn from one species to another. There are several of these types, but in the case of computer technology we are talking about thermal energy. A small part of the electricity is spent on mechanical rotation of the fans, and everything else is released in the form of heat. That is, if the NVIDIA 1080 Ti graphics card consumes 250 Watts of electricity, then the heat energy is allocated almost the same.

The cooling system of video cards removes heat only from the video card, while the standard design of the mining farm involves placing them next to each other. That is, the heat taken away from one device is directed towards the other. This reduces the cooling efficiency. To solve this problem, measures should be applied, which are aimed at removing heat from the entire farm. The choice of a practical miner-budget solutions that do not increase the payback period of the farm.

Helios combined solar panels, electricity storage system, immersion cooling, self mining, and added to this cocktail a self-learning control system that independently changes crypto-currencies for mining based on the situation on the market. The ideal system. As Helios team wanted. And investors will like it too.

Photo of Helios Mining Immersion cooling box for 4 ASICs.

The final solution of problems with uneven cooling boards, pollution of expensive electronic components, fan noise and permanent system repairs. Remember the constantly heated up cars in the beginning of the last century? Immersion cooling is the future of mining.




First closed-circuit mining ICO based on solar power and immersion cooling. More info: www.helioss.io