Driving intelligence solution for the automotive industry

4 min readMay 20, 2022


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The automotive industry is rapidly adapting to the demands of connected mobility.

The automotive industry is rapidly adapting to the demands of connected mobility. The rise of autonomous and electric vehicles will create new challenges for manufacturers, who must implement solutions that will help them meet changing consumer needs. These vehicles are expected to require more computing power than traditional cars, which leads us to ask: What does this mean for aftermarket solutions?

What does this mean for aftermarket solutions?

As both traditional and autonomous cars become more automated, and more intelligent, the use of geospatial technology is proliferating.

Geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) is the use of data and technology to improve the way we make decisions. It’s a key component of connected mobility, which refers to how vehicles communicate with each other or with infrastructure.

In autonomous vehicles, geospatial intelligence can be used to collect real-time information about road conditions as well as traffic patterns — which can help a vehicle avoid hazards that could otherwise cause an accident or delay. This type of information can also be useful for collecting data on weather conditions, or even hazards like ice on the roads during winter months.

Connected cars are another place where geospatial intelligence is being applied: they collect both driver behavior data and location information via onboard sensors that provide insights into driver quality control and safety measures such as speeding or harsh braking incidents.

But what exactly does that mean for the future of cars?

Geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) is a broad term that refers to information gathered from satellite data and other sources in order to identify people, places, and objects.

Using GEOINT, we can determine the location of a person or object within a specific area. This allows us to collect data on the location of vehicles on roads at any given time — information which is then used by car manufacturers and other companies to improve their products and services. For example, knowing where cars are parked may help you find your way into an underground parking lot before you run out of battery power in your electric vehicle; it can also be used by municipalities when designing new roads so they can plan how many lanes will be needed for traffic flow.

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And how does it work?

Driving intelligence solutions allow manufacturers and OEMs to identify and engage with their customers based on their driving behavior. The solution is designed to be used by the driver, who can also access it from an app on their phone or tablet. Using this technology, car manufacturers can:

  • Monitor vehicle location & speed
  • Identify where drivers spend most of their time in the vehicle
  • Collect data on when they start and stop using the car, how long they use it for and where they go during those times

What does this mean for traditional vehicles?

Geospatial intelligence is a software solution that integrates data from multiple sources to help personnel make better decisions. In the automotive industry, it has been applied to several areas, including navigation and fleet management.

In this article, we’ll explore how geospatial intelligence can improve driver safety and efficiency in traditional vehicles.

How does it all come together?

Here’s how it all comes together:

  • Data from connected vehicles — This is the raw data collected by autonomous vehicles and other vehicle systems. It offers an on-demand picture of traffic patterns, road conditions and driver behavior.
  • Data from the cloud — The cloud allows you to store and analyze large amounts of data in real time. In this way, you can quickly identify patterns that indicate a problem with one or more sensors or systems on your vehicle.
  • Data from the edge — Edge computing uses advanced analytics at the edge of a network (a local area) rather than in a centralized location such as a cloud server center or data hub. This approach enables faster decision making because only relevant information is sent over high-bandwidth networks instead of sending all available information for analysis in another location — a process that can take hours or even days depending on bandwidth capacity limitations

Harnessing the power of geospatial intelligence will help you create better experiences for every aspect of your customer journey.

Geospatial intelligence is a powerful tool that can help you create a more personalized and engaging experience for your customers.

Heliware’s HeliAI uses location data to give you insights into how people are moving around the world, what they are doing at any given time and whether there are opportunities to engage with them at specific locations. Automotive service providers or manufacturers can use this information to understand customer behavior and improve the experiences your products offer.




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