3 min readOct 24, 2015

My son.

He is Soorya Puthra (son of Divakaran ).His mother is Goddess Parvati Devi (Hemalatha).So the most powerful man.

He made me a mother. A complete lady in all sense .A woman since her birth will be dreaming of the day she becomes a mother. We can see the small girl child take care of her doll and lull the same. Take it in her lap and act like a mother. By birth a girl is moulded like that.

My husband has gone to USSR immediately after the marriage. Exactly on the 20th day.

You can imagine my mental condition. The marriage was after a long term love ,leaving me alone he left the country for 1 year.

His sister died on 24th April due to her illnesses which got worse .She was sick and was laid up.

The communication systems were not adequate. So the message was conveyed on a late hour.

Anyway he could come back completing all the formalities during the 1st week of May.

May be in May I have conceived my son. We were defenite that the baby will be a boy.

We were frantically trying for a job. I think when my son’s heart began to beat in my womb I was lucky enough to get a job. My first appointment was as an announcer in the All India Radio. It was a casual contract. Every 14th day the contract was renewable. It will be done automatically.

Whatever it is I got my first salary from Government of India. My husband and all the family members were more than happy.

The house was filled with Fruits ,variety of sweets very good snacks etc etc . All the relatives especially those from my husband’s side, brought in everything and they made me eat at least one or two pieces of each items.

He my son was not fussy ,as he is now. He did not trouble me at all. Days made weeks and weeks went to months. I completed 9 months Still I had been working.

I had some famous Co workers with me. The famous actor ,writer and director Sri.Venu Nagavalli, Sri. John Samuel and Sri Thiruvizha Jayasankar are some among them. AIR was a very good organisation. All were my friends philosophers and guides.

At the end of the 9th month they began to pass comments that the audience will be hearing a child’s cry along with the announcement. I said bye to all and that was the end of AIR days.

During the 2nd month of my pregnancy I have applied for a job in the Sree Chitra Medical Center. I was called for the interview and I was told that I got selected.

I got the appointment order in the month of January and the advice was to join on the 16th of February. Feb 16th was my expected date of delivery.

I didn’t do anything like extention of joining date etc. It was a permanent job with attractive salary, no transfer and only 8 K M from home. I thought I must join. But the delivery date was a problem.

Getting a Government job was very difficult. That too without any recommendations.

My baby was more than anything in my life. From the day I came to know that I am going to be a mother l started dreaming of him. His cry his first sucking my breast milk his smile bathing him lulling him to sleep his naming his crawling sitting up calling me Amma and my husband Acha His first step to walk holding his Acha’s hand , taking him for outing, buying him toys . hearing his small small words, sending him to school making him a Pilot etc.

How can I go for my job leaving my son. I was facing a real problem all the day and night.

Finally on 8th February morning the labour pain started and the delivery was at 1.50 pm.Previos day evening I was admitted. I still remember my mother and brother were waiting outside the labour room . My husband was in his union office. We did not had phone conversation at home. That was the reason why he waited in the union office. The other office bearers of the union were waiting outside the Hospital to pass the message to their leader.

End of the day when he got the message that he has become a father he came to the Hospital.

I heard the 1st cry of my son .I became a mother. That is the everlasting truth in the Earth.