Why Your Business Needs the Best UI/UX Design?

Exult Technologies
6 min readJan 31, 2019


In today’s fast-paced business landscape, business priorities narrow down to enhancing brand identity, generating new revenue streams, and increasing customer engagement. Since we function in a digitally-driven world, these priorities are increasingly being fulfilled through a digital web or mobile app. However, the challenge lies in doing your best in the highly competitive digital market.

When it comes to measuring the effectiveness of a digital product, there is perhaps nothing more important than making sure that the users have an excellent user experience. The components of your digital product that make sure this happens are its UX and UI. We’re sure you’d have heard of these terms before.

In this blog, we’ll discuss why your business needs the best UI/UX design and point out the best UI/UX design practices that you should follow.

UI (User Interface)

The User interface is a broad term for any system designed into an information device that allows a user to connect with a given technology. In the digital world, it is the way in which a user interacts with a website or an application.

UI design is usually employed for products or services that necessitate interaction for the user to get what they need from the experience. UI design forms a graphic format that is naturally navigable for the users and is laid down with a focus on how the design components would outwardly communicate with the users.

However, UI is not a standalone system or function and is used in conjunction with the term UX.

UX (User Experience)

User Experience (UX) includes human feelings, perception, emotions, and preferences during and after using an application. It covers all aspects of a user’s participation while engaging with something that has been designed.

The accessibility and usability that an app, service, website or product offers, enhances satisfactory user experience. An efficient UX design demands thorough research on the needs of the target audience. It is important to understand user’s experience as it affects the users’ interaction and opinion with the designed website or application.

UI is a part of UX and both work together towards the same goal — end user experience.

The Importance of UI/UX for Your Business

Since UI and UX Development largely emphasize on the users’ satisfaction, it plays an important role in the growth of a business. Here are some ways UI and UX can enhance a business –

Consistency across app or website

User interface and user experience are more than just screen orientation and colors. They offer a great way to bring consistency to your mobile application or website. Parameters like font size and style, icons, colors, and visual components combine to give your site a unique look and feel.

The UI/UX of your website makes sure that your design is consistent with a beautiful user interface and a great user experience.

Brand Building

When does a product become a brand? When the product satisfies the customer, to the point where they become its loyal fans.

A Brand is an experience that you provide to the target audience and capitalizing on an efficient UI/UX design helps in increasing customer satisfaction to the point where you have a lot of happy customers to your name. When people are happy with your brand your credibility as a business increases. The result of this is the growth in the value of your brand name.

Customer Satisfaction

Before creating a UI/UX for your website or app, you need to understand the requirements of your audience. This helps cater to their needs better in terms of design. With a great design, you can provide your customers with engaging content and easy navigation.

This makes the customer satisfied with the services of your application. Increased customer satisfaction also boosts loyalty which reflects in the ROI for your business.

Increased Traffic

When the user experience and user interface of your site or mobile app are done perfectly, it will boost the traffic to your site or app, help acquire new customers, and also assist you in retaining them.

With the kind of competition prevailing, an impeccable app design or web design will give your business a firm ground and help you stay ahead of your competitors.

Saves time and money

Investing in a great UI/UX design ensures that the probability of your users finding issues with your app or site is minimal to none. A perfect product will not necessitate recurrent upgrades and so saves you money and time you would have spent on developing an update.

Best Practices for UI and UX Design

Here are some of the best UI and UX design practices being followed by industry experts –

Responsive Design

You might have heard about the concept of responsive design. It has become an essential part of the digital design process and helps greatly in offering a great user experience.

In a world where smartphones have become commonplace, it’s not necessary that users will access your website only on their desktops. Users prefer to access everything on their smartphones.

In case you want to build a website for your business, you must follow UI design principles and consider the choices & preferences of users. Your website should have mobile-friendly features making it easily accessible and navigable on mobile phones.

Appealing Imagery

An attractive layout and content can improve the user interactivity for a website greatly. However, images help in grabbing the attention of users at first sight.

Using appealing imagery is the best way to attract user attention to your app or website. Captivating images have the ability to inspire and engage your audience.

Pick images that showcase the purpose of your product. Use a striking but limited number of visuals in your designs. And make sure your images are suitably sized for display across platforms.

Striking Call-To-Action

Building a website is not only about crafting an appealing layout or placing content in a clean format. It is also about encouraging your audience to take an action so that they will avail your services.

In this context, engaging call-to-action plays an important role in taking customers’ to your offerings. Your call-to-action should be formed of compelling words or phrases that grab the attention of users.

Minimal Page Load Time

The page load time of your website is a non-deniable factor. Speed matters in this era of clicks and taps and you cannot oversee this aspect of your website or app.

If users have to wait, they’ll simply move on to another one that takes less time to load. So when it comes to designing your website or app, implement site speed enhancement tactics to improve page load capability.

Eliminate Technical Site Errors

If you run a business website, make sure that there are no errors while customers browse it over the web. Errors create a bad impression on customers. This may go to the extent where the user decides not to browse a particular website again.

For running a business website flawlessly, it is important to test it continuously. This makes the website strong externally as internally as well. Get rid of broken links and dead links to boost user experience and make your website error-free.

Closing Thought

UX and UI design are fundamental parts of your brand’s presence online. It is evident that internet users are developing higher expectations when it comes to user experience. They are constantly looking for websites and applications that are engaging and easy to use.

As a business, a thoughtful UI/UX design will give you a unique visual identity and help you grow. Though trends in UI/UX design may change with time, some standard practices remain. Implement these best practices along with the latest trends to compete in the increasingly online-oriented business world.

Originally published at henote.com.



Exult Technologies

Exult Technologies is an Enterprise Product Development Company with Solutions for Retail Automation, E-Commerce & M-Commerce Mobile & Web App Development