Donald Trump: Possibly The Next Hitler?

Henri Do
4 min readApr 20, 2017

What a Time To Be Alive..

Seriously, who the heck did we just elect to become the leader of the free world? I think we might have just given our nuclear launch codes to possibly the next Hitler.. These two people are so like one another that it is uncanny: they both like to discriminate, they both like to manipulate, and above all else, they like to be in power.

Let’s start off with some background information. Following World War One, Germany was in financial turmoil. It was so bad that I doubt you could afford to buy a loaf of bread. Not only were they broke, but the country was also embarrassed by having to give up a ton of territory to the people that “beat” them in the war. Essentially, The Allied Forces took almost everything from them by robbing them of their pride and money. Hitler took advantage of the poor conditions and thus manipulated his way towards power. As you’ll later read in this article, Trump is extremely similar to this man.

During the 1930s, Hitler used the country’s economic turmoil to his advantage, as he proceeded to scapegoat the Jewish people when in reality, they were just innocent people. Currently in 2017, Donald Trump is scapegoating the illegal immigrants of America. He claims that they are stealing American jobs when in reality, most Americans are probably too lazy to get up and go find a job. Come on, you can’t seriously tell me that you, a well educated American citizen, let someone who can barely speak English, beat you out a job. If you think that illegal immigrants are the reason for you not having a job, then you yourself are a joke. I recommend that you get a reality check, you ignorant and delusional person, you.

Anyway, back to the topic. The two kids are pretty darn good at manipulating people. Hitler said that putting away the Jewish would solve all of Germany’s problem and to my dismay, they actually believed him. This small man with a funny mustache was actually able to unify the country in despising a small innocent minority group. Although he was short in stature and had a weird mustache, he made up for it with his sly but exceptional ability to give speeches. In a similar way, Trump has somewhat unified the country against all of the illegal immigrants in America. Not me though. I promise. I really hate this guy. Anyway, he has made a good portion of Americans hate illegal immigrants by manipulating them into believing that they are the real cause for America’s financial problems. I think that it is safe to say that every likes to hate a good scapegoat. In the same style as Hitler, Trump has managed to manipulate the country into blaming innocent (or somewhat innocent) people for its problems. These two are clearly talented politicians.

Last but not least, these two love power. They long for power. They crave power. In his first week of office, Donald Trump issued so many executive orders that I lost count of how many he issued. You just know that if he could ignore the system of checks and balances, he would. It’s just too bad that he has been a failure ever since he took office. He tried to make Mexico pay for the border wall.. And he failed. He tried to repeal and replace Obamacare.. And he failed. Must I go on? Well, if you insist, here you go. It is likely that he is frustrated with the American way of government and just wants full control just like a dictator, just like Hitler. It’s scary to imagine about the possibilities if this were to ever happen. Thanks for keep us safe, founding fathers! But let’s just hope that he doesn’t start another world war because that would be very very bad. Please God, please.

In a way, Donald Trump serves as Louis Althusser’s ideological state apparatus. In manipulating the great population through his “glorious” speeches, he is able to control and dominate a great majority of the public. In calling the media “fake news,” he restricts the power of the media as an ideological state apparatus, so that he may have more power to himself, and so that media representatives will be more reluctant to question or criticize his decision making. Ultimately, his goal is to gain power and this is something that he has accomplished.

On the other hand, Adolf Hitler acted as Louis Althusser’s repressive state apparatus. At first, he controlled the public through his great speeches but once he gained total power, he transformed from an ideological state apparatus to a repressive state apparatus; he went from controlling the vast majority through verbal language to literally forcing them to comply. Disobeying Hitler most certainly meant punishment in the form of death by execution or concentration camps. He was definitely not someone to be meddled with.

Ultimately, Donald Trump’s style of politics and overall personality is so similar to that of Adolf Hitler, that it is scary. However, he is our current president, and I hope that he thrives as our president.

May God bless America.

