Cloud Gaming

Miguel Henriquez
3 min readMay 30, 2019


As society becomes more and more reliant on technology, most services are being handled on the cloud. What is the cloud? Simply put, it’s the storing and accessing of user data from remote servers. Some examples of cloud services are Netflix(TV and Film), Spotify(Music), and iCloud(Storage) just to name a few.

The term “Cloud Gaming” is alive and getting louder. Many of the top players like Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo are either working on their own cloud gaming service or are secretly creating one. Recently Google announced their highly ambitious cloud gaming service called Stadia. Stadia as its laid out is the pinnacle of such service. The plan is to have it working on desktops, laptops, tablets and mobile phones. Pretty much if you have a display with an Internet connection, then you will have access to Stadia. Google’s ambition comes to light with their promise to deliver players the ability to stream in 4K resolution at 60 fps.

Advantages of Cloud Gaming
1. DRM — Having games running remotely would make it nearly impossible to publishers. Publishers rejoice!
2. Instantaneous Play — No longer would gamers have to wait for a game to install or update, nor have to wait through those grueling load screens midway through the action.
3. Game on any device — As long as you have internet , a display and of course a controller you are all set!
4. Bye Bye Expensive Hardware — Since all the heavy work will be done remotely instead of locally, gamers won’t need powerful hardware. Happy wallets!

Disadvantages to Cloud Gaming
1. LATENCY ! — This one I find the most frustrating. Having experienced gaming on Playstation Now and Project Stream, the input lag was by far the biggest experience killer.
2. Bandwidth — Cloud gaming service requires an immense amount of bandwidth. Unless your city or town has access to gigabit connections, you will have no luck using the service.
3. Video Compression — Like any other video streaming service, the image has to be compressed when sent over to the user. In return you’ll get a much less detailed image.

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