
Awesome questions to ask! Thank you so much for this. Most times I am at a loss for asking for specific help, and just simply say “can you help by reading this and sharing your thoughts?”. The question you suggested we ask “how can I make this better", leaves space for the feedback I receive to be both critiqued and me to grow as a writer. I also love the question you proposed “how can I improve"! Super encouraged by your wisdom and the advice you provided. I am working on two articles to publish on Medium now, so I will definitely send off my writing to mentors and be sure to ask the questions you suggested. Thank you so much once again!



Shari Walker, MSW

Personal Growth Coach, Tech Copywriter, mom, and former foster kid. Writing about life, growth, and harmony. Founder of GROWTH Goals. ✨📚💻 heyshariwalker.com