Artificial Wombs: The Key to Unlocking Gender Equality and Powering Genetic Breakthrough

Herbert R. Sim
1 min readNov 15, 2021


An ectogenetic future isn’t as farfetched as one might think — with successful genome trials conceiving hope and expectations for both science and humanity.

As research teams continue to perfect the art of ectogenesis and create the ideal artificial womb, legal and ethical pits abound — ready to swallow a supposedly God-defying act of creating life without the medium it was made for.

This familiar discourse is faced by similar disruptive technologies — specifically gene-editing and human cloning.

But every so often, a spark is needed to deliver a breakthrough and artificial wombs appear to lead this charge — not just as a tool for female emancipation, but also in the eventual normalization of gene-altering and human cloning efforts.

Read the FULL article here — Artificial Wombs: The Key to Unlocking Gender Equality and Powering Genetic Breakthrough

Originally published at on November 15, 2021.



Herbert R. Sim

PhD(c) #Economics #GeoPolitics #AI, MBA | #VentureCapital #Investor | #NFT #Blockchain #iGaming #Crypto | http://🐉.ws/