Welcome to HerHouse — here’s our manifesto

9 min readFeb 22, 2022



A few weeks ago we announced a collaboration with an incredible artist on her upcoming NFT project, Erica Reiling of CryptoVenus. Since then, we’ve spent time refining our mission and vision, and we’re excited to share what we think is a strong roadmap forward for not only us, but for all womxn in web3.

We’re a community of womxn builders forming strategic partnerships to fuel the launch and scale of projects, initiatives and brands that foster empowerment.

Entrepreneurs, innovators, and creatives from around the world come together in the HerHouse community to create together, leveraging shared tools and resources that enhance collaboration and cross-pollination.

Today — 2.22.22 — we choose to publish our manifesto as we celebrate the launch of our first CreateHer partner project, CryptoVenus. It’s been a whirlwind experience working first hand with Erica on her inaugural NFT collection, and we couldn’t be more excited to share in her journey, or more confident that HerHouse will be a powerful force in supporting the goals of all womxn in web3.


Web3 has the power to make the world a better, more equitable place for all womxn.

Without the proper onboarding, training and hiring of womxn, web3 is in danger of repeating the systemic mistakes of web1 and web2. At the moment, web3 ventures are dominated by men, leaving womxn to play catch up.

HerHouse aims to establish a new, diverse, and egalitarian internet by investing in womxn beyond onboarding and education, giving them the tools they need to actually emerge as leaders in web3.

As a womxn, once you’re in web3, navigating can be a challenge and a hassle. There are a ton of organizations, initiatives and projects across different verticals. Without collaboration, a number of these must overcome a variety of technological and financial hurdles to succeed in this space. Additionally, these same hurdles apply at the individual level. Ultimately, this leads to fragmentation and less meaningful results rather than the collective ascension to power of womxn leaders.


A new kind of platform for womxn in web3, we’re building a blockchain-based community of symbiotic relationships dedicated to empowering web3 builders and fostering the self-actualization of all womxn in order to create global impact. We know that these are ambitious objectives that will necessitate tremendous effort on our part, which is why we are committed to the principle that all boats rise with the tide, as the saying goes. In web3, we are able to collaborate with other like-minded womxn-led organizations and initiatives to create a wider platform on which we can all grow and succeed.


We’re not a clique of snobbish, cool girls. Your Web3 project is not built by us, but we help you bring it to fruition through the power of cooperation, so you can expand it profitably. With our assistance, you may stay clear of the common traps and missteps made by other failed or ongoing Web3 projects


  1. Community: We help womxn navigate their way through web3 through fostering collaboration, creating meaningful connections and offering tools and events that guide their journey, no matter where they are. We support and organize events that adhere to our pillars, which means they promote financial independence, holistic health and well-being, and/or social impact. Our activities are not exclusive to HerHouse — while we cultivate our own in-person and online communities, we also partner with other communities that share our mission, vision, and ambitions.
  2. Education: We offer resources to womxn at every stage of their journey. We foster peer to peer coaching with a learn to earn mentality. When it comes to running a business, HerHouse is a one-stop-shop for women-owned businesses and the people who want to help them get it done. We also provide access to expert business coaching, and a network of other women business owners that instill confidence, expedite understanding, and fuel action.
  3. Self Care: We know success is limited to how healthy we are as individually — mentally, physically and emotionally. HerHouse aims to provide resources and tools that nurture womxn, giving them time to take care of themselves so that they can achieve their full potential. We give the resources and forums necessary to promote total body wellness. Our objective is to give you an opportunity to develop and discuss your own definition of success. Together, we will develop a self-care “toolkit” that will include meditation, movement, breathing methods, and nutrition. All of these skills will be taught during the program.
  4. Diversity & Inclusion: HerHouse is creating a distinct culture. We care deeply about the people in our community and want to help them succeed. To begin with, inclusion is essential because it is morally correct. We have a diverse population in terms of race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and physically and psychologically aptitude. We embrace these differences rather than ignore or discriminate against them. We will build a community that cherishes feedback, and we will provide a line of contact between our community and HerHouse. Regular in-person and video meetings will help us achieve this goal, as will incorporating comments into your regular correspondence. We believe that by having regular discussions, members of the community will feel more comfortable voicing their opinions. We connect our members with the causes they care about, creating possibilities for them to get involved on a local level or on a larger, global scale. Additionally, we are working to expand this into a larger area funded by our treasury in order to establish our own impact initiatives with community feedback.


  • Social Events
  • Product Launches
  • Creator Support
  • Education/Financial Initiatives
  • Health Initiatives
  • Social Cause Support/Fundraising


We believe meaningful collaboration between womxn led initiatives will result in stronger outcomes and ultimately secure positions of influence and power for more womxn in web3. For this reason, we’re planning to partner with a variety of different groups, projects and brands. Below are some of our ideal partners (some of which are already in the works, so stay tuned!)

  • Womxn’s social groups/DAOs (e.g., Chief, The Wing, Ethel’s Club, CryptoBesties, Womxn of FWB, Womxn of Forefront)
  • Womxn creative partners & NFT Projects (e.g., CryptoVenus, WoW Pixies, Braw Haus)
  • Womxn’s professional groups (e.g., Surge Women)
  • Womxn’s finance-focused groups/DAOs (e.g., Boys Club, SheFi, Eve Wealth)
  • Womxn’s Wellness/Health/Beauty Brands (e.g., Zippy Pantry, The Well, Standard Dose, Phasey, Lauren’s All Purpose, Terra-tory, Beyonderway)
  • Womxn’s inclusion & diversity advocacy groups (e.g., HERStory)
  • Womxn’s social impact partners (e.g., Pact, Brooklyn Municipal Aide, PolyOne)


Season 0: Laying the Foundation

  • Concept definition (COMPLETE!)
  • Beta signup (COMPLETE!)
  • Concept refinement (COMPLETE!)
  • Season 0 / Launch Team Building (COMPLETE!)
  • Define Roadmap (COMPLETE!)
  • Collectively agree on Roadmap 1.0 (COMPLETE!)
  • Define MVP(s) (COMPLETE!)
  • Onboard Season 0 CreateHer Artists / Partners (COMPLETE!)
  • Onboard Season 0 EducateHer Partner (COMPLETE!)
  • Publish manifesto (← WE ARE HERE)
  • Launch marketing campaign
  • Establish working groups
  • Kickoff development of MVP (HerQuarters)
  • Complete development of MVP (HerQuarters)
  • Launch Social Events/Calendar
  • Launch Season 0 EducateHer beta test

Season 1: DAO Creation

  • DAO Creation
  • Development of the legal documentation
  • Product strategy, economy, and marketing company
  • Attracting venture capital investors
  • Creation of $HER token
  • Start of distribution of Governance tokens
  • Token sale
  • Launch of the voting system on the platform
  • Launch Season 1 CreateHer project(s)
  • Launch Season 1 EducateHer
  • Align on additional working groups
  • Create working groups

Season 2: DAO Cohorts

  • CreateHer/EducateHer Cohort 1 applications
  • CreateHer/EducateHer Cohort 1 start


At HerHouse, we provide meaningful support through a variety of touchpoints and initiatives that bring entrepreneurs, innovators, and creatives together to produce a global ripple effect.

We create products, tools and resources designed to help womxn grow by prioritizing the three Cs: content, community, and commerce. Our first “products” will reflect this.

HQ (HerQuarters)

HerQuarters is the Google for web3 women. It will revolutionize how women explore and connect with web3 news, opportunities, projects, organizations, communities, and initiatives.The community will have a say in how this take shape, but our initial vision encompasses:

  • HerNews: A news feed of latest headlines written by or about womxn
  • HerCal: We bring our community together to support one another IRL and URL We strive to provide a mix of business and fun at all times.
  • HerArt: A ticker of the latest womxn led projects in web3
  • HerWork: An community job board for womxn, by womxn
  • HerWealth: Through partnerships we will also incorporate investment opportunities and growth highlights tickers.
  • HerHotline: We offer a 24/7 advice hotline for womxn needing support across any of our focus areas (NOTE: we do not give medical advice)
  • HerCauses: Our partner orgs and causes for womxn to get involved with


CreateHer is our force behind launching and growing creator projects.

There are the same hurdles for all builders and creators, regardless of whether they choose a crypto-native or traditional approach. When it comes to increasing our audience and offering our customers something of value, where do we stand and what is the most financially viable plan to do so?

To us, cryptocurrencies hold immense promise for fixing these issues and generating new sources of revenue for businesses alike.

Builder and creator education is at the heart of all we do. We’ve created an environment where brands can learn and grow together. As a result, we have a growing network of contributors, collaborators, and members who make this possible. HerHouse’s value is mostly derived from its extensive network of initiatives and ecosystem builders. The way we plan to accomplish this is by enlisting the help of web3 native builders and inviting web3 interested builders to contribute their skills.


EducateHer is our training and education arm empowering womxn with the hard skill sets needed for specific web3 employment opportunities.

It has never been more critical to equip motivated learners with the tools they need to achieve upward financial mobility. That is why we created EducateHer: to eliminate structural hurdles that prevent women from pursuing meaningful jobs in Web3. For womxn from all backgrounds, our model provides opportunities, which is particularly crucial for the communities that have been most negatively touched by the state of the world.

In order to be a part of the economic expansion, we at HerHouse are devoted to empowering learners to get the skills they need to prosper in a changing economy.

We’re planning for EducateHer to be a “learn while you earn” opportunity (and simultaneously, for our partners, a “teach while you earn” opportunity.)

The underlying principle is straightforward. HerHouse Web3 education incorporates L2E. Participants can watch videos, attend masterclasses, read articles, access mentors and then take quizzes, earning $HER with each achievement or milestone. Additionally, we’ll create certification opportunities for womxn that will help with actual web3 job placement.


HerHouse intends to provide opportunities for people to be recognized and rewarded for their efforts. That is one of our highest priorities. As it is, women are already underpaid, and we don’t want to exacerbate the situation. As we develop, we aim to provide more opportunities for part-time and full-time employment in the community.

As we develop, we aim to provide more opportunities for part-time and full-time employment in the community. We can’t haggle on compensation and equity in the early phases of this venture. When it comes to hiring for an early-stage venture, this is not the skill set that we are looking for. Our goal is to value your worth and to reward you for it as we raise more capital. In the new web3 ecology, we must discover the most efficient way to accomplish this. We are currently on the lookout for believers . People who have a genuine faith in HerHouse’s long-term vision.


Contributors should be compensated for their efforts. Because early stage ventures will not produce a lot of money , the rewards for contributions may take the form of tokens that enable people to participate in the DAO’s governance or have access to other privileges.

HerHouse is employing blockchain technology to engage community members and organizations in communal decision-making through the use of ERC-20 governance tokens to provide joint input and control over finances. This project will be a collaborative endeavor including all of its participants.

Through a long-term focus on community development rather than the provision of financial incentives, ownership can be cultivated. HerHouse will have a hard time attracting enough members to decentralize governance and working groups for our token network if we don’t have a strong sense of ownership.

We’ll arrive at our objective by:

  1. Creating opportunities for people to learn about the community/project.
  2. Enabling meaningful participation by all
  3. Facilitating the development of a sense of pride in participation

More to come — get ready to climb with us!




A community advancing women in emerging tech through events, job opps and education.