Benjamin Netanyahu Birth Chart — May 20th Update

Hermes Astrology
3 min readApr 7, 2024
Benjamin Netanyahu Birth Chart

The recorded time of Benjamin Netanyahu’s birth is not accurate, but this does not pose a significant issue because, after the age of 50, when emotional patterns are well-established, the primary focus in interpreting the birth chart shifts to the Moon☽, positioned in Libra♎, and secondarily to the Ascendant.

Emotional Imbalance

Benjamin Netanyahu Birth Chart
Benjamin Netanyahu Birth Chart — Astrodatabank

The Moon☽, squeezed between the Sun☉ and the South Node☋ (Ketu in Vedic astrology), experiences tension. The Sun’s powerful influence inflates egos and causes arrogance, while the South Node dissolves emotions. This clash between the Moon and these celestial bodies explains why he does not exhibit concern for the deaths of thousands of people and the suffering of millions in Gaza.

Adolf Hitler also had the Moon conjunct the South Node and Jupiter instead of the Sun. The effect may be similar, as Jupiter conjunct the Moon can cause overconfidence.

Benjamin Netanyahu Birth Chart
Adolf Hitler Birth Chart — Astrodatabank

The Hamas Attack — October 7th, 2023

Benjamin Netanyahu Birth Chart
Benjamin Netanyahu Birth Chart — Transits 07 Oct 2023 in green outside the wheel

On the day of the Hamas attack, which occurred on October 7th, 2023, transiting Mars♂ and transiting South Node☋ were conjunct Benjamin Netanyahu’s Moon☽. Furthermore, transiting Jupiter♃ and Uranus♅ were positioned in the 8th house, which is associated with warfare, and transiting Venus♀ was conjunct Netanyahu’s natal Mars♂, which symbolizes aggression. These three indications collectively suggested the potential for a prolonged conflict. It is worth noting that the “Israel Special Operation” aimed at eliminating Hamas is still ongoing and has resulted in the unfortunate loss of over 30,000 lives.

The Arrest Warrant — May 20th, 2024

Benjamin Netanyahu Birth Chart
Benjamin Netanyahu Birth Chart — Transits 20 May 2024 in green outside the wheel

On May 20th, 2024 the International Crime Court (ICC) has issued an arrest warrant on charges of causing extermination, causing starvation as a method of war, deliberately targeting civilians, and other crimes.

This event occurred exactly with his Nodal Return. Transiting North Node☊ and Mars♂ are exactly conjunct to his natal North Node in Aries. This transit marks the end of his time in the government of Israel and the beginning of a period of isolation and obscurity for him where everyone in Israel will try to forget the crimes he committed in Gaza.

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Benjamin Netanyahu Birth Chart
Benjamin Netanyahu Birth Chart

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