Celtic Shamanism: Bridging Realms and Unveiling Ancient Wisdom

Hermes Astrology
8 min readDec 29, 2023
Celtic Shamanism

Celtic Shamanism is an ancient and profound practice deeply embedded in the cultural and spiritual heritage of the Celtic peoples. Originating between 800 BCE and 400 CE in regions like Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and Gaul, its practitioners were attuned to the natural world. Celtic shamans, often called druids, served as spiritual leaders and healers, acting as mediators between the material and spiritual realms. They believed in the interconnectedness of these realms, facilitating communication with the divine, interpreting omens, and conducting rituals for the well-being of their communities.

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Celtic Shamanism

Core Principles of Celtic Shamanism

Connection to Nature: Central to Celtic shamanism is the intimate connection with the natural world. Practitioners believe that nature is a manifestation of the divine, and by aligning oneself with its rhythms, one can access spiritual insights and healing.

Ancestor Reverence: Celtic shamans honor their ancestors, viewing them as wise guides who continue to influence the living. Ancestral spirits are often invoked during rituals to seek guidance, protection, and a sense of continuity with the past.

The Otherworld: In Celtic cosmology, the Otherworld is a parallel dimension inhabited by spirits, deities, and mythical beings. Shamans journey to this realm during trance states or rituals, seeking wisdom, visions, and guidance.

Sacred Sites: Certain landscapes and ancient sites hold special significance in Celtic shamanism. Stone circles, burial mounds, and natural landmarks are considered places where the veil between worlds is thin, facilitating easier communication with the spirit realm.

Rituals and Practices

Celtic shamanic rituals are diverse and multifaceted, ranging from simple ceremonies to elaborate rites. Some common practices include:

Drumming and Chanting: Rhythmic drumming and chanting are used to induce altered states of consciousness, allowing shamans to journey between worlds and connect with spiritual entities.

Herbalism: The Celts had extensive knowledge of herbal medicine, and shamans often used plants for healing and spiritual purposes. Plants were believed to have both physical and metaphysical properties.

Ceremonial Sacrifice: While controversial in modern times, historical accounts suggest that ceremonial sacrifice was part of Celtic rituals. Animals or symbolic offerings were made to appease deities or spirits.

Celtic Shamanism and Divination

Divination in Celtic Shamanism serves as a sacred bridge between the mundane and the mystical. It encompasses various methods through which practitioners seek to unveil hidden knowledge, receive guidance, and commune with the spiritual forces at play.

Ogham Divination: The Celts employed Ogham, an ancient writing system consisting of a series of encoded symbols carved onto sticks or stones. Each symbol represented a specific tree or plant, carrying both literal and symbolic meanings. Shamans would cast or draw Ogham staves, interpreting the arrangement to gain insights into the past, present, and future.

Animal Spirits and Augury: Celtic shamans believed that animals held spiritual significance, and their movements and behaviors could convey messages from the spirit realm. Observing the flight of birds, the behavior of animals, or encountering specific creatures during rituals provided omens and clues for divination.

Sacred Sites and Geomancy: The Celts regarded certain landscapes and natural formations as sacred, believing them to be imbued with spiritual energy. By attuning themselves to these locations, shamans could receive visions, messages, and divinatory insights. Geomancy, the interpretation of the Earth’s energies, played a crucial role in this practice.

Trance States and Visionary Journeys: Celtic shamans often entered altered states of consciousness through drumming, chanting, or other ritualistic practices. In these trance states, they would embark on visionary journeys to the Otherworld, seeking guidance from spirits, ancestors, or deities. The visions obtained during these journeys were considered powerful sources of divination.

Celtic Shamanism and Astrology

While not traditionally associated with the structured zodiac system found in astrology, Celtic shamans perceived the celestial realm as a source of guidance and cosmic influence.

Astrological Themes in Celtic Spirituality

Lunar Wisdom: The moon held a special place in Celtic spirituality. Lunar cycles, with their waxing and waning, were intimately connected to the ebb and flow of life. Celtic shamans recognized the moon’s influence on tides, agricultural cycles, and the spiritual tides of the human psyche. Full moons, in particular, were revered for their heightened spiritual energy.

Seasonal Alignment: The Celtic calendar, strongly tied to agricultural and seasonal shifts, reflects an awareness of celestial influence. The festivals of Beltane, Lughnasadh, Samhain, and Imbolc align with key points in the solar year, marking transitions in nature and offering opportunities for shamanic rituals and celebrations.

Astrological Symbolism: While not directly aligned with the zodiac signs and planets as in traditional astrology, Celtic shamans recognized symbolic connections between celestial bodies and aspects of nature. The Sun, for instance, represented life, growth, and vitality, mirroring the significance of the summer solstice in Celtic festivals.

Integration of Astrology and Celtic Shamanic Practices

Astrology serves as a celestial roadmap, guiding us through the intricate landscape of the twelve zodiac signs, each representing distinct archetypal energies. In tandem, Celtic shamanic practices offer powerful tools for navigating this inner cosmic terrain.

Embarking on a Journey to the Zodiacal Realms, shamans employ guided meditations or drumming techniques to enter altered states of consciousness. In these states, they traverse the realms associated with each zodiac sign, unraveling profound insights into hidden potentials, shadow aspects, and the karmic lessons entwined with the unique energy of each sign. For instance, a shaman focusing on a journey into the Scorpio realm might uncover transformative insights into the depths of the subconscious and emotional regeneration.

Connecting with Spirit Animals, the Celts believed in the influential guidance of spirit animals linked to various astrological signs. By attuning to their zodiacal spirit animal, practitioners tap into its distinctive strengths and wisdom, enhancing intuition and fostering personal growth.

Let’s explore spirit animals associated with each zodiac sign within the context of Celtic shamanic practices:

Aries (March 21 — April 19): The Hawk

Energetic Qualities: Visionary, bold, and independent.
Celtic Shamanic Practice: Shamans aligning with the spirit of the hawk during Aries season might seek guidance on embracing their visionary nature, taking bold initiatives, and cultivating independence. The hawk’s keen perception and soaring flight could inspire individuals to see the bigger picture and trust their instincts.

Taurus (April 20 — May 20): The Bull

Energetic Qualities: Grounded, persistent, and nurturing.
Celtic Shamanic Practice: Connecting with the spirit of the bull during Taurus’ influence, practitioners may focus on grounding energy, persistence in endeavors, and nurturing aspects of life. The bull’s strength and steadfastness could assist individuals in staying rooted, persisting through challenges, and nurturing their goals with patience.

Gemini (May 21 — June 20): The Butterfly

Energetic Qualities: Adaptable, communicative, and transformative.
Celtic Shamanic Practice: Shamans attuning to the spirit of the butterfly during Gemini season might explore themes of adaptability, effective communication, and personal transformation. The butterfly’s symbolism of metamorphosis could inspire individuals to embrace change, communicate with grace, and undergo personal growth.

Cancer (June 21 — July 22): The Crab

Energetic Qualities: Protective, intuitive, and nurturing.
Celtic Shamanic Practice: Connecting with the spirit of the crab during Cancer’s influence, practitioners may focus on themes of protection, intuition, and nurturing relationships. The crab’s ability to carry its home on its back could symbolize creating a safe and nurturing space, trusting intuition, and fostering emotional well-being.

Leo (July 23 — August 22): The Lion

Energetic Qualities: Courage, leadership, and strength.
Celtic Shamanic Practice: Shamans attuning to the spirit of the lion during Leo season might seek guidance on leadership qualities, self-expression, and the courage to step into the spotlight. The lion’s energy could empower individuals to assert themselves with confidence, embrace their inner strength, and take charge of their creative pursuits.

Virgo (August 23 — September 22): The Bee

Energetic Qualities: Diligence, organization, and community.
Celtic Shamanic Practice: Connecting with the spirit of the bee during Virgo’s influence, practitioners may focus on aspects of community, organization, and the importance of industriousness. The bee’s wisdom could inspire individuals to approach tasks with diligence, work harmoniously within a community, and recognize the interconnectedness of all endeavors.

Libra (September 23 — October 22): The Dove

Energetic Qualities: Harmonious, diplomatic, and peaceful.
Celtic Shamanic Practice: Shamans aligning with the spirit of the dove during Libra season might seek guidance on fostering harmony, practicing diplomacy, and cultivating inner peace. The dove’s symbolism of peace and balance could inspire individuals to seek harmony in relationships, promote fairness, and find serenity within.

Scorpio (October 23 — November 21): The Snake

Energetic Qualities: Transformative, intuitive, and regenerative.
Celtic Shamanic Practice: Connecting with the spirit of the snake during Scorpio’s influence, practitioners may focus on themes of transformation, intuition, and regeneration. The snake’s ability to shed its skin could symbolize letting go of the old, embracing personal transformation, and tapping into intuitive wisdom.

Sagittarius (November 22 — December 21): The Horse

Energetic Qualities: Adventurous, free-spirited, and expansive.
Celtic Shamanic Practice: Shamans attuning to the spirit of the horse during Sagittarius season might seek guidance on embracing adventure, cultivating a free spirit, and expanding their horizons. The horse’s energy could inspire individuals to pursue their passions, explore new territories, and experience personal growth through exploration.

Capricorn (December 22 — January 19): The Goat

Energetic Qualities: Ambitious, disciplined, and resilient.
Celtic Shamanic Practice: Connecting with the spirit of the goat during Capricorn’s influence, practitioners may focus on themes of ambition, discipline, and resilience. The goat’s ability to climb steep terrain could symbolize overcoming challenges, staying disciplined in pursuits, and reaching new heights in personal and professional endeavors.

Aquarius (January 20 — February 18): The Owl

Energetic Qualities: Innovative, visionary, and wise.
Celtic Shamanic Practice: Shamans aligning with the spirit of the owl during Aquarius season might seek guidance on embracing innovation, nurturing visionary ideas, and cultivating wisdom. The owl’s symbolism of wisdom and insight could inspire individuals to explore unconventional perspectives, engage in forward-thinking, and tap into their intuitive wisdom.

Pisces (February 19 — March 20): The Fish

Energetic Qualities: Imaginative, empathetic, and adaptable.
Celtic Shamanic Practice: Connecting with the spirit of the fish during Pisces’ influence, practitioners may focus on themes of imagination, empathy, and adaptability. The fish’s ability to navigate the depths of emotions could symbolize embracing creativity, cultivating empathy for others, and adapting to the ever-changing currents of life.

Crafting Rituals for Transformation becomes a dynamic practice as each zodiac sign possesses specific qualities that can be harnessed through rituals and ceremonies. By aligning these rituals with the prevailing astrological energies, practitioners amplify their effectiveness, tapping into the transformative power of the cosmos. During the fiery season of Aries, for instance, a ritual focused on personal courage and new beginnings aligns with the energetic currents of the cosmos, intensifying its impact on the individual’s transformative journey. This might involve symbolically initiating new projects or embracing bold steps toward personal goals.

In essence, the marriage of astrology and Celtic shamanic practices offers a synergistic approach to self-discovery and transformation. By delving into the zodiacal realms, connecting with spirit animals, and crafting rituals attuned to celestial energies, individuals can navigate the depths of their inner cosmos, unlocking profound insights and facilitating personal growth on their spiritual journey.



Hermes Astrology

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