Centaurs in Astrology

Exploring the Cosmic Influence of the Centauric Bodies

Hermes Astrology
4 min readMar 24, 2024
Centaurs in Astrology

In astrology, the study of celestial bodies extends beyond the traditional planets and luminaries to include a diverse array of objects and phenomena within our solar system. Among these are the Centaurs, a group of small celestial bodies that orbit the Sun between Jupiter and Neptune. Centaurs exhibit characteristics of both asteroids and comets, making them unique and intriguing subjects of astrological inquiry. This article explores the astrological significance of the Centaurs, their mythological origins, and their potential influence on individual and collective consciousness.

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Centaurs in Astrology

The Mythological Roots of the Centaurs

In Greek mythology, Centaurs are half-human, half-horse creatures known for their wild and unpredictable nature. Often portrayed as unruly and lustful beings, Centaurs symbolize the primal instincts, untamed desires, and the struggle between civilization and wilderness. Their dual nature — combining human intellect with animalistic instincts — mirrors the complex duality within each individual and serves as a potent metaphor for the challenges of self-mastery and balance.

Discovering the Centaurs in Astronomy

In the realm of astronomy, the term “Centaurs” refers to a group of small celestial bodies that orbit the Sun in the vast region between Jupiter and Neptune. Unlike traditional asteroids, which are primarily rocky or metallic, Centaurs are composed of a mixture of rock and ice, similar to comets. This unique composition gives Centaurs their distinctive appearance and behavior, exhibiting characteristics of both asteroids and comets.

Key Centaurs and Their Astrological Significance

While there are many Centaurs discovered to date, several have garnered particular interest among astrologers due to their size, orbital characteristics, and potential astrological significance. Here are some of the key Centaurs and their associated themes:

Chiron: Perhaps the most well-known and studied of the Centaurs, Chiron is named after the wise and compassionate centaur from Greek mythology. In astrology, Chiron is often referred to as the “Wounded Healer,” symbolizing the pain, wounds, and vulnerabilities that lead to profound healing, wisdom, and transformation. Chiron’s influence in a birth chart may signify areas of deep emotional or physical pain, as well as opportunities for healing, growth, and self-discovery.

Pholus: Named after another character from Greek mythology known for his untimely death, Pholus is associated with themes of sudden changes, unexpected events, and the ripple effects of small actions. Astrologically, Pholus’s influence may manifest as unforeseen challenges, transformative experiences, or catalysts that propel individuals towards growth, change, and self-realization.

Nessus: Named after a notorious centaur known for his dark deeds and tragic end, Nessus is associated with themes of betrayal, manipulation, and the shadow aspects of human nature. In astrology, Nessus’s influence may signify experiences of betrayal, power struggles, or confrontations with the darker, more complex aspects of oneself and others. Its presence in a birth chart could indicate areas of vulnerability, trust issues, and the need for boundaries and self-protection.

Interpreting the Centaurs in Astrological Practice

Incorporating Centaurs into astrological interpretations requires a nuanced approach that considers their unique characteristics, mythological associations, and astrological aspects to other planets and points in the birth chart. While Centaurs are not traditionally used in mainstream astrology, their growing popularity among astrologers reflects a broader shift towards embracing diverse celestial influences and exploring new dimensions of astrological symbolism and meaning.

Astrologers interested in working with Centaurs may consider the following factors when interpreting their influence in a birth chart:

Orbital Characteristics: The Centaur’s orbital path, speed, and proximity to other celestial bodies can provide insights into its potential astrological significance and influence.

Astrological Aspects: Analyzing the Centaur’s aspects to the Sun, Moon, planets, and angles (Ascendant/Descendant, Midheaven/IC) can reveal its relationship to various areas of life, personality traits, challenges, and opportunities.

Mythological Associations: Exploring the mythological stories and archetypes associated with each Centaur can deepen understanding and add layers of symbolic meaning to astrological interpretations.


The Centaurs, with their fascinating blend of mythological lore and astronomical mystery, offer astrologers a rich tapestry of symbolism, insight, and exploration. Whether it’s the wounded wisdom of Chiron, the transformative power of Pholus, or the shadowy complexities of Nessus, these celestial beings invite us to delve deeper into the complexities of the human psyche, the challenges and opportunities of the human experience, and the eternal quest for healing, growth, and self-understanding.

As astrology continues to evolve and expand, embracing new celestial bodies and exploring diverse astrological influences, the Centaurs stand as a testament to the boundless potential of this ancient art and science. By integrating the wisdom of the Centaurs into astrological practice, astrologers can offer their clients deeper insights, greater compassion, and more holistic guidance on their journey towards self-discovery, healing, and fulfillment.



Hermes Astrology

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