How to Be a PISCES: Sun and Ascendant Sign Integration

Hermes Astrology
6 min readFeb 9, 2024
How to Be a PISCES

To embody the characteristics associated with the astrological sign of Pisces, typically associated with those born between February 19th and March 20th, here are some tips:

Embrace Sensitivity: Pisceans are known for their sensitivity and intuition. Embrace your emotional depth and intuition, and allow yourself to experience a wide range of emotions. Trust in your intuition and inner guidance as valuable tools for navigating life’s challenges.

Cultivate Compassion: Pisceans are compassionate and empathetic individuals. Cultivate compassion towards yourself and others, and practice kindness and understanding in your interactions. Be there to lend a listening ear or a helping hand to those in need.

Value Creativity: Pisceans are often creative and imaginative individuals. Embrace your creativity and express yourself through artistic outlets such as music, art, writing, or dance. Allow yourself to explore your imagination and tap into your artistic talents.

Embrace Spirituality: Pisceans are often drawn to spiritual and metaphysical pursuits. Embrace your spiritual side and explore practices such as meditation, yoga, or mindfulness to deepen your connection to the universe. Trust in the power of faith and intuition to guide you on your spiritual journey.

Practice Adaptability: Pisceans are adaptable and flexible individuals who can easily go with the flow. Practice embracing change and adapting to new situations with grace and ease. Trust in your ability to navigate uncertainty and find creative solutions to challenges that arise.

Value Empathy: Pisceans are highly empathetic and can easily tune into the emotions of others. Value your ability to empathize with others and use it to build deeper connections in your relationships. Be there to offer support and understanding to those around you.

Cultivate Boundaries: Pisceans can sometimes struggle with boundaries and may need to work on setting healthy limits for themselves. Practice asserting your needs and boundaries in your relationships and honor your own emotional well-being. Trust in your ability to prioritize self-care and maintain healthy boundaries.

Embrace Imagination: Pisceans have vivid imaginations and rich inner worlds. Embrace your imagination and allow yourself to dream big. Use your creativity to envision the life you desire and take steps towards manifesting your dreams into reality.

Seek Solitude: Pisceans often benefit from spending time alone to recharge and reconnect with themselves. Seek solitude regularly to reflect, recharge, and nurture your inner world. Trust in the power of solitude to provide clarity and insight into your thoughts and emotions.

Practice Forgiveness: Pisceans are forgiving individuals who are able to let go of grudges and resentments. Practice forgiveness towards yourself and others, and release any lingering anger or resentment. Trust in the healing power of forgiveness to bring peace and closure to past wounds.

Embrace Compassionate Service: Pisceans are often drawn to helping others and making a positive difference in the world. Embrace opportunities to serve others with compassion and kindness. Trust in your ability to make a meaningful impact through acts of service and altruism.

Value Intuition: Pisceans have a strong intuition that serves as their guiding light. Value your intuition as a valuable tool for navigating life’s twists and turns. Trust in your inner knowing and allow your intuition to lead you towards paths that align with your highest good.

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How to Be a PISCES

Embodying the traits of a Pisces with a specific Ascendant sign involves understanding how your outer personality, represented by the Ascendant, complements your inner Pisces qualities. Here’s a guide on how to be a Pisces with different Ascendant signs:

Pisces Ascendant: With a Pisces Ascendant, your outer personality closely aligns with your Pisces Sun sign, enhancing your Piscean traits. You exude sensitivity, empathy, and imagination. Embrace your intuitive nature and trust in your inner guidance. Allow yourself to express your creativity and compassion freely.

Aries Ascendant: A Pisces Sun with an Aries Ascendant combines sensitivity with assertiveness and energy. You’re intuitive and compassionate, yet also assertive and dynamic. Embrace your empathetic nature and use your assertiveness to stand up for what you believe in. Trust in your ability to lead with compassion and courage.

Taurus Ascendant: With a Taurus Ascendant, you combine Pisces’ sensitivity with Taurus’ stability and determination. You’re compassionate and nurturing, yet also grounded and practical. Embrace your intuitive nature and use your stability to provide a solid foundation for yourself and others. Trust in your ability to manifest your dreams with patience and perseverance.

Gemini Ascendant: A Pisces Sun with a Gemini Ascendant combines sensitivity with versatility and curiosity. You’re intuitive and imaginative, yet also adaptable and communicative. Embrace your intuitive nature and use your versatility to explore a wide range of interests and ideas. Trust in your ability to connect with others through your empathy and curiosity.

Cancer Ascendant: With a Cancer Ascendant, you blend Pisces’ sensitivity with Cancer’s nurturing nature and emotional depth. You’re intuitive and compassionate, with a strong connection to your emotions and the emotions of others. Embrace your empathetic nature and use your nurturing instincts to support and care for those around you. Trust in your ability to create a sense of emotional security and comfort for yourself and others.

Leo Ascendant: A Pisces Sun with a Leo Ascendant combines sensitivity with confidence and charisma. You’re intuitive and compassionate, with a natural ability to shine brightly in social situations. Embrace your intuitive nature and use your charisma to inspire and uplift others. Trust in your ability to lead with warmth and authenticity.

Virgo Ascendant: With a Virgo Ascendant, you combine Pisces’ sensitivity with Virgo’s practicality and attention to detail. You’re intuitive and compassionate, yet also analytical and organized. Embrace your intuitive nature and use your practicality to bring your dreams into reality. Trust in your ability to navigate life’s complexities with grace and efficiency.

Libra Ascendant: A Pisces Sun with a Libra Ascendant combines sensitivity with charm and diplomacy. You’re intuitive and compassionate, with a natural ability to create harmony in relationships. Embrace your intuitive nature and use your diplomacy to navigate social dynamics with grace and tact. Trust in your ability to bring people together and foster meaningful connections.

Scorpio Ascendant: With a Scorpio Ascendant, you blend Pisces’ sensitivity with Scorpio’s intensity and depth. You’re intuitive and compassionate, with a deep understanding of human nature. Embrace your intuitive nature and use your intensity to uncover hidden truths and transform challenges into opportunities for growth. Trust in your ability to navigate the depths of your emotions with courage and resilience.

Sagittarius Ascendant: A Pisces Sun with a Sagittarius Ascendant combines sensitivity with optimism and enthusiasm. You’re intuitive and compassionate, with a thirst for knowledge and adventure. Embrace your intuitive nature and use your optimism to inspire others and pursue your dreams with passion and purpose. Trust in your ability to embrace life’s adventures with an open heart and mind.

Capricorn Ascendant: With a Capricorn Ascendant, you combine Pisces’ sensitivity with Capricorn’s ambition and determination. You’re intuitive and compassionate, with a strong sense of responsibility and purpose. Embrace your intuitive nature and use your ambition to achieve your goals and make a positive impact in the world. Trust in your ability to manifest your dreams through hard work and perseverance.

Aquarius Ascendant: A Pisces Sun with an Aquarius Ascendant combines sensitivity with innovation and humanitarian ideals. You’re intuitive and compassionate, with a visionary outlook on life. Embrace your intuitive nature and use your creativity to envision a better world for yourself and others. Trust in your ability to inspire positive change and make a difference in the lives of those around you.



Hermes Astrology

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