Makemake in Astrology

Hermes Astrology
4 min readDec 5, 2023
Makemake in Astrology

Makemake is a trans-Neptunian dwarf planet that was discovered in 2005. Its influence is thought to be subtle. Here are some general themes associated with Makemake in astrology:

Creativity and Manifestation:

Makemake is often associated with creative expression and the ability to manifest one’s desires. Its presence in a natal chart may suggest a connection to artistic talents and the capacity to bring one’s visions into reality.

Nature and Environmental Awareness:

Some astrologers link Makemake to themes of nature and environmental consciousness. Individuals with a strong Makemake influence might have a deep connection to the natural world and a desire to contribute to environmental causes.

Spirituality and Shamanic Energy:

There’s an association between Makemake and shamanic energy or spiritual practices. Those with a prominent Makemake in their chart may be drawn to mystical or spiritual pursuits, exploring altered states of consciousness or connecting with ancient wisdom.

Fertility and Growth:

Makemake is sometimes connected to themes of fertility and growth, both in a literal and metaphorical sense. It may symbolize the ability to bring forth new ideas, projects, or life experiences that lead to personal development.

Leadership and Independence:

Some interpretations suggest that Makemake is associated with leadership qualities and independence. Individuals with a strong Makemake influence may exhibit a desire for autonomy and the ability to take charge of their own destiny.

Transformation and Renewal:

Makemake is linked to cycles of transformation and renewal. Its placement in a chart may indicate an individual who is comfortable with the process of change and who has the ability to navigate life’s ups and downs with resilience.

Connection to Indigenous Wisdom:

There is an association between Makemake and indigenous wisdom. Individuals with a significant Makemake influence may feel a resonance with ancient traditions, seeking inspiration from cultural practices rooted in the past.

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Makemake in Astrology

Here’s a brief exploration of Makemake in houses:

Makemake in the 1st House:
Makemake in the 1st House could suggest that themes related to creativity, independence, and personal expression are central to the individual’s identity. The person may have a strong desire to manifest their unique qualities and creative vision in the world.

Makemake in the 2nd House:
In the 2nd House, Makemake may influence matters of self-worth, values, and resources. The individual might have a creative approach to financial matters or find a sense of fulfillment in manifesting abundance and material resources.

Makemake in the 3rd House:
Communication, learning, and local interactions may be influenced by Makemake in the 3rd House. The person might express their creativity through communication and have a natural ability to bring creative ideas into their immediate environment.

Makemake in the 4th House:
Themes related to home, family, and emotional roots could be influenced by Makemake in the 4th House. The person may find creative fulfillment in domestic pursuits or have a unique approach to nurturing and sustaining emotional well-being.

Makemake in the 5th House:
In the realm of creativity, self-expression, and romance, Makemake in the 5th House suggests a strong creative drive and a desire for self-expression. The individual might find joy and fulfillment in creative pursuits and romantic relationships.

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Makemake in the 6th House:
Work, health, and daily routines may be influenced by Makemake in the 6th House. The person might seek creative fulfillment in their daily tasks, and there could be a unique approach to health and well-being.

Makemake in the 7th House:
In the area of partnerships and relationships, Makemake in the 7th House suggests a desire for creative collaboration. The person may be attracted to partners who share their creative vision, and relationships could be a source of creative inspiration.

Makemake in the 8th House:
Themes related to intimacy, shared resources, and transformation may be influenced by Makemake in the 8th House. The person might find creative expression in deep, transformative experiences and shared endeavors.

Makemake in the 9th House:
In the 9th House, Makemake could influence areas such as travel, higher education, and philosophy. The person might express their creativity through cultural exploration, spiritual pursuits, or unconventional learning experiences.

Makemake in the 10th House:
Career, public image, and life path may be influenced by Makemake in the 10th House. The individual might find creative fulfillment in their professional endeavors and may aspire to manifest their creative vision on a broader, public scale.

Makemake in the 11th House:
In the realm of friendships, group affiliations, and social causes, Makemake in the 11th House suggests a desire for creative collaboration within social circles. The person may find fulfillment in contributing creatively to collective endeavors.

Makemake in the 12th House:
Themes related to the subconscious, spirituality, and hidden aspects of the self could be influenced by Makemake in the 12th House. The person might seek creative expression in the realm of the unconscious or find spiritual fulfillment in private, introspective practices.



Hermes Astrology

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