Hermes Astrology
6 min readMar 29, 2023

In astrology, the chart ruler is the ruling planet of the sign that is on the ascendant of an individual’s birth chart. The ascendant, or rising sign, is the zodiac sign that was rising over the horizon at the time of an individual’s birth. Therefore, if an individual has Mars as their chart ruler, it means that Aries or Scorpio is their ascendant.

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is associated with the planet Mars because of its strong and energetic qualities. Mars is known as the god of war in Roman mythology, and it represents aggression, courage, passion, and assertiveness.

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In astrology, Aries is also known for its dynamic and bold nature, which is why it is often associated with Mars. Aries is a fire sign, which is ruled by the element of fire, and its energy is thought to be similar to the fiery energy of Mars.

Mars is also associated with the color red, which is the color of passion and energy. Aries is often symbolized by a ram, which is an animal known for its strong and assertive nature.

The association between Scorpio and Mars is based on the intense and passionate nature of both. Mars is the planet of action, desire, and assertion, while Scorpio is a water sign associated with deep emotions, passion, and intensity. This alignment creates a powerful combination of assertive energy and emotional depth that is characteristic of Scorpio.

Scorpio is also known for its transformative power, and Mars represents the courage and determination needed to create change. Together, they create a forceful energy that drives Scorpio’s intense desire for transformation, whether it be in themselves or in the world around them.

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MARS CHART RULER: Impact on Personality

Here are some potential effects of having Mars as a chart ruler:

Strong willpower and determination: Mars is the planet of action, energy, and assertiveness, so individuals with Mars as their chart ruler are often driven and ambitious.

Competitive nature: Mars is associated with competition and the desire to win, so those with Mars ruling their chart may be naturally competitive in all areas of life.

Physical energy: Mars rules over physical activity and energy, so those with Mars as their chart ruler may have high levels of physical stamina and enjoy activities that require physical exertion.

Impulsiveness: Mars is also associated with impulsiveness and recklessness, so those with Mars as their chart ruler may need to be mindful of acting too quickly or rashly in certain situations.

Aggressiveness: Mars is often associated with aggression, so individuals with Mars as their chart ruler may have a tendency to be confrontational or quick to anger.

Independence: Mars is a fiercely independent planet, so those with Mars as their chart ruler may have a strong desire to be self-sufficient and may resist being told what to do.

Risk-taking: Mars is associated with risk-taking and the willingness to take chances, so individuals with Mars as their chart ruler may be more willing to take risks than others.

Assertiveness: Mars is the planet of assertion, so those with Mars as their chart ruler may be more likely to speak their minds and stand up for themselves.

Leadership qualities: Mars is often associated with leadership, so individuals with Mars as their chart ruler may be natural leaders who are comfortable taking charge and making decisions.

Passion and sexuality: Mars is also associated with passion and sexuality, so those with Mars as their chart ruler may have a strong sex drive and be passionate about many aspects of their lives.

Warrior mentality: Mars is the Roman god of war, and as such, those with Mars as their chart ruler may have a “warrior mentality” in life, approaching challenges with courage and bravery.

Assertive communication style: Since Mars is associated with assertion and action, individuals with Mars as their chart ruler may communicate in a direct and assertive manner, cutting to the chase and getting right to the point.

Physical expression of emotions: Mars is often associated with anger and other strong emotions, and those with Mars as their chart ruler may express their emotions physically, such as through exercise or sports, rather than verbally or through other means.

Quick decision-making: Mars is also associated with speed and quickness, so individuals with Mars as their chart ruler may be decisive and quick to make decisions, rather than overthinking things.

Entrepreneurial spirit: Mars is associated with risk-taking and independence, which are also key traits of successful entrepreneurs. Those with Mars as their chart ruler may be particularly drawn to starting their own businesses or pursuing their own projects.

Physical challenges: Since Mars rules over physical activity, individuals with Mars as their chart ruler may face physical challenges or injuries throughout their lives, but may also be particularly resilient in the face of these challenges.

Conflict resolution skills: While Mars is often associated with aggression and confrontation, those with Mars as their chart ruler may also have strong conflict resolution skills, as they are comfortable with confrontation and may be able to find creative solutions to problems.

Entrepreneurial spirit: Mars is associated with risk-taking and independence, which are also key traits of successful entrepreneurs. Those with Mars as their chart ruler may be particularly drawn to starting their own businesses or pursuing their own projects.

Physical challenges: Since Mars rules over physical activity, individuals with Mars as their chart ruler may face physical challenges or injuries throughout their lives, but may also be particularly resilient in the face of these challenges.

Action-oriented approach: Those with Mars as their chart ruler may have a natural inclination towards taking action, rather than simply thinking or talking about a problem. They may be impulsive or spontaneous, but also able to act quickly and effectively when needed.

High expectations: Mars is associated with ambition and drive, and those with Mars as their chart ruler may set high expectations for themselves and others. They may be competitive and goal-oriented, always striving to be the best.

Strong work ethic: Mars is often associated with hard work and effort, and those with Mars as their chart ruler may have a strong work ethic and be willing to put in long hours to achieve their goals.

Independence: Mars is a fiercely independent planet, and those with Mars as their chart ruler may value their independence and autonomy above all else. They may resist being told what to do and prefer to make their own decisions.

Adventure-seeking: Mars is associated with risk-taking and adventure, and those with Mars as their chart ruler may be drawn to exciting and challenging experiences. They may seek out thrills and excitement in their personal and professional lives.

MARS CHART RULER: Ultimate Effect

The ultimate effect of Mars as chart ruler can depend on several factors, including:

The placement of Mars in the birth chart: The house and sign placement of Mars can influence its expression as the chart ruler. For example, Mars in the 7th house can indicate a strong drive for partnerships and a competitive or confrontational approach to relationships.

Aspects to Mars: The aspects that Mars makes to other planets in the chart can influence its expression as the chart ruler. For example, Mars conjunct or in a tight aspect to Venus can indicate a strong sexual drive and attraction to relationships.

The overall planetary picture: The placement and aspects of other planets in the chart can influence the expression of Mars as the chart ruler. For example, if the chart has a lot of water energy, Mars may express itself more emotionally.



Hermes Astrology

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