Midas Asteroid in Astrology

Hermes Astrology
5 min readDec 16, 2023
Midas Asteroid in Astrology

The asteroid Midas 2436, named after the mythical king with the golden touch, casts a fascinating light upon your natal chart, revealing areas where you have the potential to turn things into gold, both literally and metaphorically. Let’s delve into the multifaceted influence of Midas in your astrological journey:


  • Manifestation and Abundance: You possess a natural talent for attracting opportunities and turning your desires into reality. Your touch can bring prosperity and success in various areas of life.
  • Creativity and Resourcefulness: You see the potential in everything, and your creative mind can transform seemingly ordinary things into treasures. You are resourceful and adaptable, finding solutions and turning challenges into opportunities.
  • Value and Appreciation: You have a keen eye for quality and beauty, recognizing the worth in everything you encounter. This appreciation can attract valuable experiences and relationships into your life.

Areas of Focus:

  • The house where Midas resides often points to areas where you experience your Midas touch, manifesting your desires and finding abundance.
  • It can also highlight your relationship with creativity, resourcefulness, and appreciating the value of things.
  • Understanding Midas’ influence can help you tap into your potential for manifestation, cultivate a positive mindset, and attract prosperity in all its forms.

Shadow Side:

Midas’ touch can also have a dark side:

  • Obsessive Materialism: You might become fixated on acquiring more, neglecting other aspects of life like relationships and personal growth. This can lead to dissatisfaction and a hollow sense of fulfillment.
  • Exploitation and Manipulation: In the pursuit of your desires, you might resort to unethical means, manipulating others or exploiting opportunities for personal gain. This can damage your relationships and reputation.
  • Fear of Loss: You might become possessive of your accomplishments, clinging to control and fearing any potential loss. This can hinder your ability to embrace change and experience new blessings.

Embracing Midas’ Power:

By understanding your Midas placement, you can:

  • Cultivate a positive mindset: Focus on gratitude for what you already have, and believe in your ability to attract even more abundance.
  • Use your creativity and resourcefulness: Turn challenges into opportunities and find innovative ways to achieve your goals.
  • Value experiences and relationships: Don’t just focus on material gain; appreciate the value of love, connection, and personal growth.

Remember, Midas’ touch is not just about acquiring material wealth; it’s about turning everything you touch into something valuable and enriching. By focusing on positive manifestation, appreciating all aspects of life, and using your talents ethically, you can truly turn your life into gold.

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Midas Asteroid in Astrology

Midas in the Houses: Alchemizing Every Realm of Life

Midas, the mythical king with the golden touch, casts a glittering aura on each house of your natal chart, revealing where you can turn ordinary experiences into something precious. Let’s explore how Midas’ alchemical influence manifests in each domain of life:

1st House — Self and Identity:

  • Strengths: You radiate confidence and self-worth, attracting opportunities and success through your charismatic presence and belief in your own potential.
  • Shadow Side: You might become overly focused on appearances or develop a fear of failure, hindering your authentic self-expression.

2nd House — Values and Resources:

  • Strengths: You have a knack for attracting financial abundance and managing resources wisely. Your touch can bring prosperity and stability.
  • Shadow Side: You might become fixated on material possessions, neglecting your true values and neglecting spiritual growth.

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3rd House — Communication and Learning:

  • Strengths: Your words transform into gold, influencing others and inspiring them with your creativity and optimistic outlook.
  • Shadow Side: You might become overly persuasive or manipulative, using your words for personal gain rather than genuine connection and communication.

4th House — Home and Family:

  • Strengths: You create a warm and nurturing home environment, filled with love and abundance. Your touch brings comfort and security to your loved ones.
  • Shadow Side: You might become possessive of your family or home environment, clinging to outdated traditions and hindering healthy growth within the family dynamic.

5th House — Creativity and Self-Expression:

  • Strengths: Your creative pursuits turn into gold, attracting recognition and success. Your artistic touch brings joy and inspiration to others.
  • Shadow Side: You might become fixated on fame or validation, neglecting the intrinsic joy of creating and losing touch with your authentic artistic voice.

6th House — Service and Health:

  • Strengths: Your touch brings healing and well-being. You have a natural ability to find solutions and improve your health and the health of others.
  • Shadow Side: You might become overly focused on physical health, neglecting your emotional and spiritual well-being.

7th House — Relationships and Partnerships:

  • Strengths: You attract valuable and supportive partners, enriching your life and enhancing your personal growth. Your touch brings harmony and success to partnerships.
  • Shadow Side: You might become overly focused on finding the “perfect” partner, neglecting the importance of nurturing existing relationships and developing unrealistic expectations.

8th House — Transformation and Death:

  • Strengths: You have the ability to transform challenges and endings into opportunities for growth and rebirth. Your touch can bring profound inner transformation.
  • Shadow Side: You might resist necessary endings or cling to outdated aspects of yourself, hindering your ability to embrace new beginnings and evolve.

9th House — Beliefs and Philosophy:

  • Strengths: Your search for knowledge and wisdom turns into gold. Your open mind and optimistic outlook attract new perspectives and enriching experiences.
  • Shadow Side: You might become attached to rigid belief systems or intellectual arrogance, hindering your ability to learn and grow through diverse perspectives.

10th House — Career and Public Image:

  • Strengths: Your touch brings success and recognition in your chosen field. Your skills and talents shine, and you attract opportunities for advancement.
  • Shadow Side: You might become overly focused on career goals, neglecting other aspects of life and neglecting to build genuine connections within your professional environment.

11th House — Friendships and Community:

  • Strengths: You attract valuable friends and contribute positively to your community. Your touch brings inspiration and support, fostering a network of like-minded individuals.
  • Shadow Side: You might become manipulative or exploit your connections for personal gain, damaging trust and genuine connection within your community.

12th House — Unconscious and Spirituality:

  • Strengths: You have the potential to transform your subconscious fears and hidden talents into gold, achieving profound inner healing and spiritual growth.
  • Shadow Side: You might get lost in your inner world, neglecting your responsibilities and avoiding facing your shadow aspects, hindering your ability to fully engage with the external world.



Hermes Astrology

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