Nordic Shamanism: A Journey into the Enchanting World of Norse Spirituality

Hermes Astrology
7 min readDec 29, 2023
Nordic Shamanism

Norse Shamanism is interwoven with the concept of the Nine Realms. Through altered states of consciousness achieved through drumming, chanting, and trance-inducing rituals, Norse shamans often referred to as a völva or seiðr could access the Nine Realms and interact with their inhabitants. They could traverse the spiritual realms, communicate with otherworldly beings, and bring back knowledge and guidance for their communities.

1. Asgard: The Realm of the Aesir Gods

Asgard stands as the celestial realm, home to the Aesir, a pantheon of powerful gods including Odin, the Allfather, Thor, the thunder god, and Frigg, Odin’s queen. It is a realm of divine power, wisdom, and cosmic order, situated high above the material world.

2. Midgard: The World of Humans

Midgard is the realm of humans, our world, where mortal beings dwell. It exists within the branches of Yggdrasil and is surrounded by the vast seas inhabited by the World Serpent, Jormungandr. Midgard is a place of constant interaction between gods, spirits, and humankind.

3. Vanaheim: Home of the Vanir Gods

Vanaheim is the realm of the Vanir, a group of deities associated with fertility, prosperity, and nature. After the Aesir-Vanir war, a truce was established, and hostages were exchanged between Asgard and Vanaheim, fostering a delicate balance.

4. Jotunheim: The Land of the Giants

Jotunheim is inhabited by the Jotnar or frost giants, a powerful and often unpredictable race. Notable figures such as Ymir, the progenitor of the giants, reside in this realm. Jotunheim is a place of chaos and elemental forces, contrasting with the order of Asgard.

5. Alfheim: Realm of the Light Elves

Alfheim is a realm inhabited by the Light Elves, ethereal beings associated with beauty and light. While the specifics of Alfheim’s role in Norse mythology are sometimes ambiguous, it is often depicted as a realm of celestial radiance and tranquility.

6. Svartalfheim: The Realm of the Dwarves

Svartalfheim is the realm of the Dwarves, master craftsmen known for their skill in creating powerful artifacts. Notable creations, such as Mjolnir, Thor’s hammer, and Gungnir, Odin’s spear, originate from the forges of Svartalfheim.

7. Nidavellir: The Land of the Dark Dwarves

Some interpretations consider Nidavellir as a distinct realm, separate from Svartalfheim, home to the dark dwarves. These dwarves are often associated with the crafting of malevolent and cursed items, adding a shadowy dimension to the realms.

8. Muspelheim: The Realm of Fire

Muspelheim, a realm of fire and primal chaos, is home to the fire giants and the fire demon Surtr. It is a realm of destructive forces and is foretold to play a significant role in the apocalyptic events of Ragnarok.

9. Niflheim: The Realm of Ice

Niflheim is a realm of ice and mist, often considered the primordial realm of cold and ice. It is associated with the creation of the cosmos, as the rivers flowing from Niflheim mixed with the heat from Muspelheim, giving rise to the first beings.

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Nordic Shamanism

Other Roles of the Norse Shaman

Healing and Spiritual Assistance: While Norse mythology doesn’t explicitly depict shamanic healing practices, some aspects of seiðr involved healing and spiritual assistance. Seiðr-workers were often consulted for matters of health, both physical and spiritual. Their ability to access other realms allowed them to diagnose spiritual causes of illnesses and offer remedies.

Interaction with Spirits: Shamans often act as intermediaries between the human and spirit worlds. Similarly, those practicing seiðr were believed to interact with spirits, including ancestral spirits, nature spirits, and other supernatural entities. Establishing connections with these spirits was considered essential for gaining wisdom and spiritual insights.

Connection to Nature: Norse shamanic-like practitioners recognized the profound connection between humans and nature. Just as many shamanic traditions emphasize the importance of harmony with the natural world, Norse seiðr-workers acknowledged the sacredness of nature and its influence on spiritual practices.

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The Hamr

Nordic Shamanism

The “hamr” or “hugr,” is the shaman’s ability to undergo a form of spiritual shape-shifting. While shape-shifting is a common motif in various mythologies and shamanic traditions worldwide, the Norse concept adds a unique twist to the idea.

In Nordic shamanism, it was believed that a shaman could send forth their hamr, essentially a part of their soul or spiritual essence, to travel to distant locations or take on the form of an animal. This form of projection allowed the shaman to explore the world beyond their physical surroundings, gaining insights, communicating with spirits, and influencing events.

The hamr was thought to be a malleable and dynamic extension of the shaman’s consciousness, enabling them to transcend physical limitations. This concept is somewhat reminiscent of astral projection in other spiritual traditions but carries distinct Nordic characteristics.

Moreover, there are accounts in Norse sagas and folklore that suggest certain individuals, including warriors and seers, possessed the ability to shape-shift into animal forms such as wolves or bears. This shape-shifting ability was not confined to the spirit world but was believed to have a tangible impact on the physical realm.

Nordic Shamanism and Divination

Central to Nordic shamanism is the practice of seiðr, a form of magic and divination associated with the goddess Freyja. Seiðr-workers, often women known as volvas, played crucial roles in Norse society. Through the manipulation of spiritual energies and altered states of consciousness, they sought to unveil hidden truths and gain glimpses into the future.

Individuals in Norse society often sought the guidance of seiðr-workers for important decisions. Whether facing choices in love, war, or daily life, divination offered a means of tapping into spiritual wisdom to make informed decisions.

Methods of Divination:

Runes: The use of runes, ancient Norse characters with symbolic meanings, was a prominent form of divination. Casting or drawing runes and interpreting their positions and relationships provided insights into various aspects of life, including relationships, health, and destiny.

Casting Lots or Bones: Seiðr-workers would cast lots or bones onto a surface and interpret the patterns they formed. Each item had specific meanings, and the arrangement of the lots conveyed messages from the spiritual realm.

Scrying: Nordic shamans engaged in scrying, a practice involving gazing into reflective surfaces such as water, crystals, or polished metal. Through this method, they entered trance states to receive visions and messages.

Dream Interpretation: Dreams held significant importance in Norse divination. Seiðr practitioners paid close attention to their own dreams and the dreams of those seeking guidance. Dream interpretation provided insights into the spiritual dimensions of an individual’s experiences.

Nordic Shamanism and Astrology

In the vibrant tapestry of Nordic shamanism, the celestial realms play a subtle yet significant role. While Norse cosmology doesn’t align directly with the structured zodiac system found in Western astrology, the ancient Norse people held a deep reverence for the stars and the cosmic forces that shaped their world.

Observing the Night Sky:

In Nordic shamanism, the night sky held a sacred significance. The Norse people, seafarers and explorers, navigated vast distances using the stars as their guide. The patterns of constellations, the phases of the moon, and the cyclical nature of celestial events were not only practical tools for navigation but were also woven into the fabric of their spiritual consciousness.

Journeying with the Stars:

Similar to other shamanic traditions, Nordic shamans engaged in practices that involved altered states of consciousness. Through guided meditations, rhythmic drumming, or other trance-inducing techniques, they journeyed to the realms associated with specific celestial energies. While not explicitly tied to zodiac signs, these journeys allowed practitioners to connect with the cosmic forces and gain insights into their own spiritual paths.

Astrological Symbolism in Norse Mythology:

Norse mythology is rich with celestial symbolism, even if not organized into a zodiac system. The realms of gods and giants, the eternal struggle between order and chaos, and the prophetic visions associated with seers and oracles all bear connections to celestial themes. For example, the sun and moon were personified as deities — Sol and Mani, respectively — and their movements held symbolic significance in the Norse worldview.

Moon Phases and Ritual Timing:

The phases of the moon were particularly influential in Nordic shamanic practices. Certain rituals, ceremonies, and magical workings were aligned with specific lunar phases, harnessing the energies associated with each stage. The full moon, in particular, was considered a potent time for spiritual activities, and shamans might conduct rituals to amplify their connection with the spirit world during these lunar peaks.



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