Psychometry Reading

Hermes Astrology
3 min readJan 3, 2024
Psychometry Reading

Psychometry, a term derived from the Greek words “psyche” (soul) and “metron” (measure), is a fascinating and unique form of extrasensory perception (ESP). It involves the ability to perceive information about a person or an event by touching or holding an object associated with them. While psychometry is often considered a fringe or paranormal phenomenon, its practitioners argue that it offers valuable insights into the interconnectedness of individuals, objects, and energies. In this article, we will delve into the history, principles, and applications of psychometry, exploring the intriguing realm where the physical and metaphysical converge.

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Psychometry Reading

Historical Roots:

The roots of psychometry can be traced back to ancient times, where it was often intertwined with various mystical and spiritual practices. The ancient Egyptians, for example, believed in the concept of an object retaining the energy or essence of its owner. Similarly, in medieval Europe, certain individuals were thought to possess the ability to gain insights into a person’s life by handling personal belongings. However, it was during the 19th century that psychometry gained recognition and became more systematically explored.

Joseph R. Buchanan, an American physician and professor, is often credited as the father of psychometry. In the mid-1800s, Buchanan conducted experiments in which he claimed to read information from objects through touch. His work laid the foundation for the development of psychometry as a distinct field of study, and it garnered attention from both scientists and spiritualists of the time.

Principles of Psychometry:

Psychometry operates on the principle that objects can absorb and retain the energy or vibrations of their owners or the events they have been a part of. According to psychometric theory, every person and object emits an energy field, often referred to as an aura. When a psychometrist makes physical contact with an object, they purportedly tap into this residual energy, gaining access to information about the object’s history or the individuals associated with it.

The process typically involves the psychometrist holding the object in their hands, concentrating on the sensations and impressions that arise. These impressions may manifest as images, emotions, or even auditory experiences. The psychometrist then interprets these sensations to reveal information about the object’s past or the people connected to it.

Applications of Psychometry:

Psychometry has been employed in various contexts, ranging from paranormal investigations to personal development and healing. Some psychometrists offer their services to individuals seeking insights into their past, present, or future, using personal objects as conduits for information. Others use psychometry in paranormal investigations, aiming to uncover the history or events associated with haunted locations.

In therapeutic settings, psychometry may be used as a tool for self-discovery and healing. The process allows individuals to explore the emotional imprints and memories stored within personal belongings, offering a unique perspective on their own experiences and relationships.

Criticism and Skepticism:

Despite its long history and dedicated practitioners, psychometry remains a controversial and widely debated phenomenon. Skeptics argue that the subjective nature of psychometric readings makes it difficult to establish its validity through scientific methods. The lack of controlled experiments and the potential for bias in interpretations contribute to skepticism surrounding the reliability of psychometry as a paranormal or psychic ability.


Psychometry stands as a captivating and enigmatic facet of the broader field of parapsychology. Whether viewed through the lens of spiritual exploration, personal growth, or scientific inquiry, the practice continues to attract interest and intrigue. While some embrace psychometry as a genuine and valuable skill, others remain skeptical, emphasizing the need for further research and exploration to unravel the mysteries that lie within the realm of object-based extrasensory perception. As our understanding of consciousness and energy continues to evolve, psychometry may find itself either validated as a legitimate phenomenon or relegated to the annals of pseudoscience. The journey to unlock the secrets of psychometry is ongoing, inviting both skepticism and open-minded exploration into the realms of the unknown.



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