Hermes Astrology
6 min readMar 29, 2023

In astrology, the chart ruler is the planet that rules the sign on the Ascendant of a natal chart. If Saturn is the chart ruler, it means that the sign of Capricorn or Aquarius is on the Ascendant.

There are several reasons why Saturn is considered the ruling planet of Capricorn. First, both Capricorn and Saturn are associated with structure, discipline, and hard work. Capricorn is known for its practical and serious nature, and for its ability to achieve success through perseverance and determination. Similarly, Saturn is associated with discipline, responsibility, and persistence, and is often seen as the planet that governs hard work and achievement.

In addition, Capricorn is an earth sign, which is also associated with practicality and stability, and Saturn is often seen as the planet that rules over the earth element. Earth signs are known for their grounded and practical nature, and for their ability to build and maintain structures and systems.

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Finally, Saturn is also associated with maturity, wisdom, and longevity, which are all qualities that are often associated with Capricorn. Capricorn is often seen as a sign that represents the wisdom and experience that comes with age and experience, and Saturn is seen as the planet that governs these qualities.

Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius in astrology. Here are some reasons why Saturn is associated with Aquarius:

Saturn is the planet of discipline and structure, and Aquarius is associated with innovation and progress. The combination of these energies can result in groundbreaking advancements that are grounded in practicality and responsibility.

Both Saturn and Aquarius are associated with the idea of “authority.” Saturn is the planet of traditional authority and established structures, while Aquarius is associated with the authority of the individual and the collective. This combination can lead to a unique blend of traditional and progressive values.

Saturn is also associated with boundaries and limitations, while Aquarius is associated with breaking down boundaries and exploring new possibilities. The combination of these energies can result in a desire to push the limits and explore new frontiers, while still being grounded in practicality and responsibility.

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SATURN CHART RULER: Impact on Personality

When Saturn is the chart ruler, it can have a significant impact on the individual’s personality and life path. Here are some effects of Saturn as the chart ruler:

Serious and practical approach: Saturn as the chart ruler often makes individuals very serious and practical. They tend to take life seriously and have a no-nonsense approach to things.

Responsibility: These individuals are responsible and often take on a lot of responsibilities in their life. They are reliable and dependable.

Discipline: Saturn is the planet of discipline and structure, so individuals with Saturn as the chart ruler often have a strong sense of discipline. They are very organized and efficient in their work.

Persistence: Saturn also represents perseverance and persistence. These individuals have a strong work ethic and are willing to put in the time and effort to achieve their goals.

Ambition: Saturn is associated with ambition, and individuals with Saturn as the chart ruler often have a strong drive to succeed. They are willing to work hard and make sacrifices to achieve their goals.

Difficulty expressing emotions: Saturn is not a planet associated with emotions, so individuals with Saturn as the chart ruler may struggle with expressing their emotions. They may have a tendency to be reserved or stoic.

Delayed success: Saturn is also associated with delays and obstacles. Individuals with Saturn as the chart ruler may experience setbacks and challenges before achieving success.

Longevity: Saturn is associated with longevity, so individuals with Saturn as the chart ruler may live long lives. They may also have a tendency to take their time and not rush into things.

Serious relationships: Individuals with Saturn as the chart ruler may approach relationships in a serious and responsible manner. They may prioritize commitment and stability over passion and excitement.

Traditional values: Saturn is associated with tradition and conservatism, so these individuals may have traditional values and beliefs. They may be drawn to established institutions and practices.

Career focus: Saturn is often associated with career and work, so individuals with Saturn as the chart ruler may be very career-focused. They may prioritize stability and security in their professional life.

Respect for authority: Saturn is also associated with authority and structure, so individuals with Saturn as the chart ruler may have a respect for authority figures and established structures. They may follow rules and regulations closely.

Skepticism: Saturn’s influence can also bring a sense of skepticism and caution. These individuals may approach new ideas and experiences with a sense of caution and skepticism, and may require evidence or proof before accepting new information.

Need for structure: Individuals with Saturn as the chart ruler may have a need for structure and routine in their life. They may feel uncomfortable with chaos or uncertainty.

Perseverance in adversity: Saturn is also associated with perseverance in the face of adversity. Individuals with Saturn as the chart ruler may be able to weather difficult times with strength and resilience.

Inner strength: Saturn’s influence can also bring a sense of inner strength and fortitude. These individuals may be able to draw on their own inner resources in times of need.

Maturity and wisdom: Finally, Saturn is often associated with maturity and wisdom. Individuals with Saturn as the chart ruler may possess a deep understanding of the world and its complexities, and may be able to offer valuable insights and guidance to others.


The ultimate effect of Saturn as the chart ruler on an individual will depend on several factors, including:

The placement of Saturn in the birth chart: The position of Saturn in the birth chart can greatly influence how its energies are expressed in an individual’s life. For example, if Saturn is in a challenging aspect to other planets, it may indicate struggles or limitations in the areas of life associated with those planets.

Aspects to other planets: The aspects that Saturn makes to other planets in the birth chart can also greatly influence how its energies are expressed. Positive aspects may indicate opportunities for growth and success, while challenging aspects may indicate obstacles and difficulties.

The overall balance of the birth chart: The placement of Saturn as the chart ruler is just one factor in the overall balance of the birth chart. Other factors, such as the placements of the other planets, the elements and modalities of the chart, and the presence of major configurations like stelliums or grand trines, can also greatly influence an individual’s life path and personality.

Strength: The strength of Saturn in the chart, as determined by factors such as its placement, aspects, and house position, can also affect its expression in a person’s life.

Overall, the ultimate effect of Saturn as the chart ruler on an individual will depend on a complex interplay of astrological factors.



Hermes Astrology

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