Hermes Astrology
3 min readMar 28, 2024

SEVENTEEN, the thirteen-member powerhouse of K-Pop, isn’t just known for their synchronized choreography and catchy music. Each member brings a unique personality to the group, creating a dynamic that fans adore. While MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) isn’t a definitive science, it offers a glimpse into their potential preferences and tendencies. Here, we delve into the reported MBTI types of SEVENTEEN, exploring what these insights might reveal about each member.

Unit Leaders and Introspective Minds:

  • S.Coups (ISTP): The leader of SEVENTEEN, S.Coups, might be an ISTP (The Virtuoso). ISTPs are known for their quiet confidence, practicality, and focus on getting things done. Their analytical minds likely play a role in his leadership style.
  • Joshua (ESTJ): Joshua, the former leader, might be an ESTJ (The Executive). ESTJs are decisive, organized, and natural leaders. His strong sense of responsibility and dedication would be a valuable asset in keeping the group on track.
  • Jun (INTP): The INTP (Logician) personality type might suit Jun. INTPs are known for their independent thinking, creativity, and love of problem-solving. These traits could contribute to his unique stage presence and rapping style.
  • Wonwoo (INFP): Wonwoo might be an INFP (The Mediator). INFPs are introspective, idealistic, and value deep connections. This could explain his reserved nature and focus on creating meaningful music as part of the SEVENTEEN songwriting team.
  • Woozi (INTJ): The mastermind behind SEVENTEEN’s music, Woozi, might be an INTJ (The Architect). INTJs are strategic thinkers with a clear vision. His strategic thinking and creativity likely fuel his songwriting prowess.

The Creative Sparks and Social Butterflies:

  • DK (INFP): Another member with the INFP personality type might be DK. INFPs can be surprisingly playful, and DK’s duality between his introspective nature and energetic stage persona is endearing to fans.
  • Mingyu (ENTJ): Mingyu might be an ENTJ (The Commander). ENTJs are confident, decisive, and natural leaders. This could explain his charisma and ambition, evident in his rapping and design skills.
  • The8 (INTJ): The8 might be an INTJ (The Architect) along with Woozi. INTJs are drawn to complex ideas and innovation, which aligns with The8’s artistic expression in dance and choreography.
  • Seungkwan (ENTP): The ENTP (The Debater) personality type could describe Seungkwan. ENTPs are known for their wit, enthusiasm, and ability to light up a room. These qualities make him a natural mood-maker within SEVENTEEN.
  • Vernon (ENTP): Vernon might also be an ENTP. ENTPs are creative thinkers with excellent communication skills, which is evident in his rapping style and songwriting contributions.

The Supportive Pillars and Gentle Souls:

  • Jeonghan (ISFJ): Jeonghan might be an ISFJ (The Defender).ISFJs are known for their loyalty, supportiveness, and desire for harmony. This could explain his calm and caring nature, creating a sense of stability within the group.
  • Dino (ENFJ): Dino might be an ENFJ (The Protagonist). ENFJs are empathetic, inspiring, and natural leaders. This could explain his passion for dance and his ability to motivate others.

Remember, MBTI is a Framework, Not a Box:

It’s important to remember that MBTI is a framework, not a definitive label. People can exhibit traits from different types, and their personalities can evolve over time. The reported MBTI types of SEVENTEEN offer a starting point for understanding their potential strengths and preferences.

What truly matters is how these thirteen individuals come together to create the magic that is SEVENTEEN. Their diverse personalities and talents blend seamlessly, resulting in their energetic and captivating performances. So, the next time you watch a SEVENTEEN music video or listen to their music, keep these potential MBTI insights in mind. It might add a new layer of appreciation for the unique qualities each member brings to the group.

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