Understand Myself — Jordan Peterson Personality Test

Hermes Astrology
3 min readMar 22, 2024
Understand Myself- Jordan Peterson Personality Test

In our quest for self-discovery, personality tests offer a tempting glimpse into the inner workings of our minds. Among these, the Understand Myself assessment, developed by psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson, has gained considerable popularity. But what exactly is this test, and how can it help you on your journey of self-understanding?

Understanding Myself: Rooted in the Big Five

Understand Myself is built upon the Big Five personality framework, also known as the OCEAN model. This widely accepted model posits five core personality dimensions:

  • Openness to Experience (Openness): This trait reflects your intellectual curiosity, creativity, and willingness to explore new ideas and experiences.
  • Conscientiousness: This dimension captures your degree of organization, discipline, and goal-oriented behavior.
  • Extraversion: This trait reflects your level of social engagement and energy. Extroverts thrive in social settings, while introverts find their energy renewed through solitude.
  • Agreeableness: This dimension encompasses your tendency to cooperate, be trusting, and prioritize getting along with others.
  • Neuroticism: Often misunderstood, neuroticism doesn’t represent negativity, but rather your emotional reactivity and vulnerability to stress.

The Understand Myself assessment delves deeper into each of these traits, providing you with a detailed report on your specific standing within each dimension and its sub-facets. This nuanced analysis goes beyond simple labels, offering a more comprehensive picture of your personality’s unique makeup.

Beyond the Test: The Petersonian Lens

Dr. Peterson, a renowned clinical psychologist, emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility and meaning-making in his approach to personality. The Understand Myself report incorporates these themes, prompting you to reflect on your values, motivations, and potential life goals. By understanding your personality traits, you can gain insights into areas where you might excel or require further development. This self-awareness can empower you to take charge of your life and pursue goals that align with your core values.

Applications in Different Areas

The benefits of the Understand Myself assessment extend beyond personal reflection. Here are some potential applications:

  • Career Planning: Knowing your personality strengths can guide you towards careers that are well-suited to your natural tendencies. For instance, someone high in conscientiousness might find fulfillment in a detail-oriented role, while someone high in extraversion might excel in a people-oriented profession.
  • Relationships: Understanding your own communication style and emotional reactivity can enhance your relationships. The report can shed light on potential areas of compatibility or conflict with others, allowing you to navigate interactions more effectively.
  • Personal Growth: By identifying your strengths and weaknesses, you can set realistic goals for self-improvement. The report might highlight areas where you could benefit from developing greater discipline (conscientiousness) or explore new perspectives (openness).

Beyond the Test: A Call to Action

The Understand Myself assessment serves as a valuable springboard for self-discovery, but it’s not a definitive answer. Here are some key takeaways to keep in mind:

  • Personality is not static: While the Big Five traits tend to be relatively stable over time, personality can still evolve through experience and conscious effort.
  • Embrace the complexity: You are more than just a collection of scores. The report provides a starting point for exploration, not a rigid definition.
  • Take action: Use the insights gained to set goals and make positive changes in your life.

Understanding Myself: A Stepping Stone on Your Journey

Dr. Peterson’s Understand Myself assessment offers a powerful tool for self-discovery. By delving into the Big Five personality traits and incorporating Petersonian principles, the test can illuminate your strengths, weaknesses, and values. Remember, the test results are just the beginning. Use the newfound awareness to embark on a journey of self-exploration, setting goals, and taking action to shape the person you want to become.

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Understand Myself — Jordan Peterson Personality Test



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