Uranian Astrology

Hermes Astrology
5 min readDec 7, 2023
Uranian Astrology

Uranian astrology, also known as the Hamburg School of Astrology, is a branch of astrology that originated in the early 20th century. It was developed by Alfred Witte, a German astrologer, and his student, Friedrich Sieggrün. This system introduced several innovative concepts, techniques, and hypothetical planets that set it apart from traditional astrology.

Key features of Uranian astrology include:

Hypothetical Planets:

Uranian astrology incorporates eight hypothetical planets, sometimes referred to as “transneptunians” or “transcendental planets.” These include Cupido, Hades, Zeus, Kronos, Apollon, Admetos, Vulcanus, and Poseidon. These planets are not observed celestial bodies but are points in the horoscope that Witte and Sieggrün believed had astrological significance.

Cupido: Cupido is often associated with themes of love, relationships, and social harmony. Its placement in a chart may provide insights into an individual’s approach to partnerships, social interactions, and the pursuit of emotional connection.

Hades: Hades is linked to the underworld, transformation, and hidden or unconscious aspects of life. Its presence in a chart may indicate a focus on deep psychological processes, the exploration of the subconscious, and transformative experiences.

Zeus: Zeus is associated with themes of leadership, authority, and the desire for achievement. Its placement in a chart may highlight ambitions, assertiveness, and a person’s drive to excel in their endeavors.

Kronos: Kronos is often linked to authority figures, discipline, and the pursuit of success. Its presence in a chart may indicate a strong emphasis on career, ambition, and the desire for recognition or accomplishment.

Apollon: Apollon is associated with expansion, creativity, and the pursuit of goals. Its placement in a chart may suggest a person’s interest in cultural pursuits, business ventures, and a desire for growth in various areas of life.

Admetos: Admetos is linked to themes of stability, endurance, and the desire for security. Its presence in a chart may indicate a focus on building a solid foundation, both in relationships and material aspects of life.

Vulkanus: Vulkanus is associated with themes of power, influence, and the desire for success. Its placement in a chart may suggest an individual’s aspirations for leadership, recognition, and the pursuit of a prominent position in society.

Poseidon: Poseidon is often linked to inspiration, spirituality, and the desire for transcendence. Its presence in a chart may indicate an interest in mystical or spiritual pursuits, artistic inspiration, and a quest for higher knowledge.

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Uranian Astrology

Midpoint Astrology:

A fundamental principle of Uranian astrology is the use of midpoints. Midpoints are mathematical points located equidistant between two planets or sensitive points in the horoscope. Witte believed that midpoints offered valuable insights into dynamic energies and relationships between planetary pairs.

Planetary Pictures:

Planetary pictures are formed by geometric relationships between planets and other sensitive points in the birth chart. These relationships are measured in specific angles, forming aspects like squares, trines, and oppositions. The specific planets involved and the angles formed create a unique picture that reveals underlying themes and dynamics in the individual’s life.

Each planetary picture has its own specific meaning and interpretation, depending on the planets involved and the nature of the aspect. Analyzing the interplay of multiple planetary pictures within a birth chart can offer profound insights into the individual’s personality, motivations, and life path. Planetary pictures add a layer of depth and complexity to traditional astrological analysis. They can provide valuable information about hidden aspects of the personality, unconscious drives, and potential for personal growth and transformation. Understanding planetary pictures can empower individuals to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and navigate their life challenges with greater awareness.

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1. Sun-Mercury Picture:

Aspect: Conjunction
Meaning: Strong intellect, ability to think clearly and communicate effectively, potential for leadership and innovation.

Example: A writer with a sharp mind and a knack for expressing thoughts with clarity and precision.

2. Venus-Uranus Picture:

Aspect: Square
Meaning: Unconventional approach to love and relationships, desire for excitement and freedom, potential for sudden changes in personal life.

Example: An individual who thrives on variety in relationships and may find it difficult to commit to traditional norms.

3. Mars-Neptune Picture:

Aspect: Trine
Meaning: Strong intuition and sensitivity, ability to channel passion and creativity towards artistic pursuits, potential for emotional depth and compassion.

Example: A dancer who expresses their emotions through movement and connects with audiences on a deep level.

4. Jupiter-Saturn Picture:

Aspect: Opposition
Meaning: Balancing idealism with practicality, navigating challenges with a sense of responsibility, potential for delays and obstacles requiring patience and perseverance.

Example: An entrepreneur who faces setbacks but remains determined to achieve their goals through hard work and dedication.

5. Chiron-Uranus Picture:

Aspect: Sextile
Meaning: Ability to heal through unconventional methods, breaking free from limitations and finding innovative solutions, potential for deep insights into the human psyche.

Example: A therapist who uses alternative healing techniques and helps clients break free from limiting patterns and beliefs.

6. Lilith-Ascendant Picture:

Aspect: Square
Meaning: Confronting shadow aspects of the personality, challenging societal expectations, potential for experiencing rejection or judgment.

Example: An individual who marches to the beat of their own drum and embraces their individuality even when it faces social disapproval.

7. Vesta-North Node Picture:

Aspect: Trine
Meaning: Finding meaning and purpose through service and dedication, aligning personal goals with the collective good, potential for fulfilling contributions to society.

Example: A volunteer who dedicates their time and skills to causes they believe in and makes a positive impact on the world.

8. Nessus-Pluto Picture:

Aspect: Conjunction
Meaning: Facing hidden vulnerabilities and traumas, potential for manipulation and control issues, need to establish healthy boundaries and reclaim personal power.

Example: An individual who overcomes past abuse to become an advocate for others who have experienced similar trauma.



Hermes Astrology

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