2 min readSep 25, 2022

Heruka Tsangnyon – The Holy Master of #Sangha

We must teach others to be patient and humbled. Tsangnyon is the Master of all meditation. The only truth is the decentralization. The Journey is starting here. A Dream is transforming into a vision.

To become mindfully aware of our surroundings is to bring our thinking back to our present moment reality and to the possibility of some semblance of serenity in the face of circumstances outside our ability to control.

Tsangnyon never settled anywhere permanently. Tsangnyon was wandering among different holy places. He might stay in one place for years to meditate but he always continues to travel. His favorite places to meditate were three different regions.

Tsari in southeastern Tibet; Labchi in southern Tibet close to the Nepalese border; and Kailāsa in southwestern Tibet. In these places he stayed many times, often for several years, to meditate. Tsangnyon also went to other holy places, and he often walked in the footsteps of his great role Model: Milarepa

Tsangnyon gradually became famous and gained supporters and disciples. Many of the leaders of the areas he visited became his benefactors and devotees. The network of people who supported him eventually enabled him to accomplish several of the works for which he became famous.

We are Ryoshi – The Master Tsangnyon


Buddhist term “emptiness” is often described as “openness,” a potential for anything to appear.