Conversations at Starbucks

Jamie Hoang
5 min readAug 28, 2019
Photo by Kenan Buhic on Unsplash

Coffee & Conversation

My friend Anh said to me once, “Jamie, how do you always meet these crazy characters at Starbucks?” Honestly, I have no idea. I usually sit in a corner with headphones in, but I often gaze off into the distance lost in thought so perhaps people think I’m staring at them? Anyway in the past, I have met: an electrical engineer, Lebanese refugee, homeless woman, architect, schoolteacher, aspiring rapper, and a self-made business woman who ran her own clown company (that’s right I said clown). Today, it was an Ethiopian Filmmaker.

I had been working for about 6 hours staring at a computer and trying to jump back into the world that I meticulously created yesterday (the chapter I am currently working on happens to take place in Petra, Jordan), when the gentleman across from me asked how to spell “courageous.”

I am a writer, so though I was uncertain of how to spell it (I fully admit I rely heavily on spellcheck), I wasn’t about to admit that to him. C-o-u-r-a-g-e-o-u-s I spelled out slowly, before asking him to show me the screen so that I could double-check his spelling. Turns out I had spelled it correctly (talk about saving face!) and up popped the movie “Courageous” which he was looking for. He thanked me and then asked me point blank what it is that I do. I hate this question.

