Crrrunch, Scrrape, Whheeeze…

1 min readFeb 19, 2019

In the darkness, the creature spawned

Never gestated, never born

Unnatural a thing there never could be

Half human, half thing

Hungry for blood and everything grim

Shambling the halls and underground dens

Looking for meat to grind

Again and again…

The horror of life unlived

The hunger of pain




Don’t run

Don’t move

A howl in the dark

A lumbering run

You’ll be its next meal

…but you won’t be it’s last

A note from the author…

Like many of you, I’ve got an unpublished novel clogging up my hard drive and I thought this would be a fun way to introduce characters from my novel’s universe.

I plan on doing a few more of these introductions in different styles.

If that’s something people would like more of, let me know!

(Though I’ll probably do them anyway 😉)


A sci-fi, paranormal thriller


Rachael Joanne Carlton

Death in the Caucasus brings East and West to the brink and danger to the streets back home. Whilst a cough, a fall and a little boy’s dreams of fire and angels threaten to set off a chain of events that ignite both the past and the future.




Writer of prose, poetry & fiction. Owner of humour & bad puns. Not afraid to look into the darkness where even the smallest spark burns brighter than 1,000 suns