The IBEX Airdrops

High Stakes Switzerland
3 min readMay 2, 2023


To celebrate the launch of our IBEX Loyalty Program, an initial allocation will be airdropped to reward our long-term delegators and incentivize newcomers.


The $IBEX Loyalty Point Airdrop will be executed in two steps:

  • May 1st: for current stakers
  • June 30th: for newcomers staking after May 1st
  • The allocated rewards will be claimable until July 1st, 2023.

The first event is meant to reward our long-term delegators.
Based on daily snapshots starting on July 2022, the awarded $IBEX will include a time bonus: the more days you staked since that date, the higher the bonus!

The second event will concern the wallets that started staking tokens on any of the supported chains after May 1st.

Eligibility & Calculation

To be eligible, a wallet should:

  • Stake on any of the eligible nodes on May 1st or May 20th.
  • Have staked on average at least $100 worth of tokens.

The eligible chains are:

The allocation method is based on a quadratic function, i.e. the allocation is calculated from the square root of the delegation:

This ensures that the awards are smoothed out, and the biggest delegators aren’t disproportionately rewarded.

How To Claim

  • The airdrop will be in the form of $IBEX points, which are currently redeemable against $ATOM.
  • Check the eligibility and award of your wallets at
Don’t mind the deadline timer, it’s a test version.

You can either enter your wallet addresses manually, or connect your Keplr / Cosmostation (upper right) and click IMPORT: this will retrieve all the addresses associated with this account.

If you have been awarded $IBEX, you will see a screen similar to the following:

To claim your award, you must register to the IBEX Loyalty Program then activate the relevant chains, which will also allow you to earn daily $IBEX!

A documentation is available to learn how the app works.

IBEX Loyalty Points are redeemable against $ATOM (current exchange rate is 1 $ATOM = 1000 $IBEX). Additional ways to spend your points will be announced as we continue to develop the platform.

Final notes

  • The minimum redeemable amount is 250 $IBEX.
  • If you have been awarded less, then keep staking: now that you have registered, you will earn additional points each day.
  • Read our Medium article to learn more about the program!



High Stakes Switzerland

A validator in the Cosmos ecosystem, based out of Geneva, Switzerland