Are YOU really Driving?

4 min readJan 3, 2017


At a speed of 150 kmph on an expressway, when your car is zipping through close shaves, with the other cars on the road, the roadside stone guards, the edges of curves of a ghat section, with a deep valley down there, and imagine yourself shivering out of fear, thinking of what all can go wrong!!
Seems to be an impossible situation, doesn’t it? Because if its your car, you shouldn’t be scared, and if at all you are scared, you would definitely bring your car in control and drive it in your own safer style, won’t you? Of course yes! but only if, #YOU are on the driving seat.
Are you really driving?
If not often, but surely each one of us has had one such experience, where we were probably sitting in the front seat beside the driver, and that drive scared us to the death! There were points in time in the drive, when you literally lost all the hopes of reaching your destination safely, remember? Now if you also try and remember the speed and the situation at those points in time, surprisingly you would find that neither the speed nor the situation was new to you. Possibility is high that you would have touched, or probably exceeded, that speed once or many times earlier when you were driving. Similarly, there is a strong possibility of you having faced the same kind of situation while driving on your own,at least once. And if you try and recall, how did you respond at that point in time, you will find you didn’t panic, even on spotting a pretty possible risk, you rather chose to #takecharge of it, didn’t you?
So it’d be safe to assume that when you are on the driving seat, when you are incharge of the controls, you are more at peace and probably enjoying the ride, right?
It’s pretty easy to understand, isn’t it? While in the passenger seat, since we don’t exercise any of the controls on the car, we just can’t focus on “What’s the next move?” because it makes sense only and only when YOU choose what to DO. Therefore, in your own car sometimes you are confined to being merely a viewer (or sometimes a victim) of what others are doing. It’s equally important to understand that it’s not the people or the things or the situations at fault, rather it’s YOU who willingly or unwillingly gave the charge up, to them. Now when they drive the car, more often than none, all you are left with is, to focus upon “What all can go wrong?” Hence, you end up over focusing on the perceived (or may be real sometimes) dangers that you see approaching from all the sides.
If you look closely, you’ll find that it’s the one who takes charge, is actually the one to focus on “What’s the next move?”, and the one who is merely a helpless viewer (or a victim) ends up focusing on “What all can go wrong?”
The one who is in charge would focus more on the “Possible Solutions” because he thinks he can and he knows he will. And the one who is not, would rather focus on “Possible Problems” because neither does he believe he can, nor does he know how to. Now, since both of them are anyway focusing on the possibilities, though one is Positive and another one is Negative in nature, it would be even more interesting to analyse whether a positive belief can help a person take charge. Though it all starts with a belief, gradually it becomes vice-versa i.e. a positive belief can help you take charge, at the same time taking charge can strengthen your belief to the next levels.
Now let’s apply the same equation to our lives. Let’s be utterly honest to the self, and ask…
Am I really driving my car?
Or its someone else or something else that controls my life?
because if it’s me, then why can’t I choose the quality of my own life?
then why do I experience recurring Fear?
and why do I experience fluctuations in my happiness levels?
Irrespective of and unaffected by what’s happening around, why can’t I just choose to be happy??
Believe it or not, YOU CAN!!
Only if you Take Charge!!
The people around you, the situations you face, the things that matter to you, none of them are meant to be on the driving seat of your life. It would be really scary to imagine your car being driven by a set of people, things, situations, all at once, and that too with no mutual co-ordination of controls. Can you see where it is heading? Of course a disaster!
You, and only you deserve to be on the driving seat. You are the focal point of your life, from where the energy flows. Once you take charge, the things around you, the people in your life, the things that matter to you, shall harmoniously start falling in place.
Ignite the fuel of #Desire and shift to the higher speed gears of #Emotions, seeing through the windscreen of #Clarity, let your #Intentions steer your journey towards a higher #Vision, guided and inspired by a #Purpose, keep an eye on and optimizing your ‘Thoughts Per Emotion’… #Take Charge ! and enjoy your ride!
Be YOU… Be your True Self… Be your #HigherSelf !!
Love and Light to you always




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