Dear Hillary

Love, North Carolina

HRC for NC
3 min readOct 21, 2016

Voters across North Carolina made history yesterday and cast their ballots for Hillary on the first day of early voting. People were inspired, excited and emotional. The letters to Hillary below from women across North Carolina are just a sampling of why the next 16 days of One-Stop Early Vote are important.

Dear Hillary,

You are the only person who can move this country forward in a positive way. We need you and I know we have let you down but I believe!

I remember my pride in your accomplishments when I got to know you in 1992. You inspired me to go to law school. I’m now the only black woman chief assistant district attorney in NC.

Watching you go high when they went low made me ready for the heat and criticism not only of my skill and intellect but my delivery and femaleness and iron will.

You are so qualified that your competition’s only strategy is to make people critical of you as a woman.

If all politics is all local you can do it one county at a time. I’m so proud and thankful that you haven’t given up on America. Even though you and the President could live a life of privilege you continue to choose service.

I can’t wait for my nephew to go vote with me the first time!

I believe in you!!! Thank you for standing up and tall.

Dear Hillary,

My 8 year old daughter LOVES you & President Obama. She says Mrs. Clinton is a wonderful lady who fights for children and families. She went with me when I voted for President Obama both times even though the first time she was an infant. She was born on the same day as the President so we always have an extra candle on the cake for him or an extra cupcake. She came up with the words below when I asked her to help me come up with words to explain why voting is important and why we are casting our vote for you.












Dearest Hillary,

This past May, our daughter was diagnosed with a very rare and fatal genetic brain disease known as Late Infantile NCL or Batten’s disease. She is thankfully asymptomatic and the only reason we even know she has the disease is because of genetic testing we did for the baby I am currently pregnant with.

We are trying an experimental cord blood transplant at Duke University, which Suzie received on July 15th, and are hopeful that it will save her life. We are so happy to say she is doing very well.

We know how important this election is and the prospect of our daughter (and soon to be son) living in this country with a President Trump is more than we can stomach.

On October 23rd, Suzie hits a very important milestone — 100 days post transplant — and we plan on celebrating by casting our votes for you.

Thank you for everything you have done for the children of this country and we so hope that ours get to experience you as president.


Leah & Paul

It’s not too late to vote early! You can register and vote at the same time until November 5th. Go to to find your nearest polling place and other details.

