Introducing Pennsylvania Students and Millennials for Hillary

Hillary for Pennsylvania
8 min readSep 14, 2016


We spoke to young people across the commonwealth about their excitement to support Hillary in the election. For some its their first time voting. Millennials and students in Pennsylvania are with Hillary for her commitment to immigration reform and access to healthcare, goals to combat climate change and drug addiction and determination to achieve equal pay and justice for all.

Gillian Warner, State College, PA

My name is Gillian Warner, I’m 17 years old and I’m from State College, Pennsylvania. Even though I’m 17 years old and can’t vote in this upcoming election, I have decided to take a fellowship with the Clinton campaign in the State College office to ensure victory for Hillary, which will also mean better equality for everybody.

I thought this was an important election to start in because of what’s at stake. We want to continue moving in our country in a progressive manner rather than moving backwards.

I want to make sure young women like me have the same opportunities as men in this country. Hearing Hillary speak about what she’ll do to fight for women versus what other candidates, like Donald Trump, have said about women, it makes me want to stand behind a candidate like Hillary to ensure a better future for everybody in this country.

I have a lot of friends from all around the world and from all different backgrounds. As a woman, I see all of the gender inequality in the world. I look up to Hillary for all the work she has done to lesser the inequality in this country — she continues to fight for equal pay and equal opportunities, not only for women, but for every body else in the country as well.

Joshua Narrow, Hazleton, PA

I see Hillary Clinton as a role model for the middle class. I’ve heard her story and she’s never forgotten where she came from, her roots. I saw her in Scranton on Monday and I really felt a personal connection to her.

I think of perseverance when I think Hillary. My grandfather left for WW2 when he was 18 years old. He was in one of the programs where he was able to attend any college in the United States tuition-free after returning home. He chose to marry my grandmother instead of that and ended up working in a factory. But you know, he always had that type of mantra. It’s family first, and community first, and he came back to his hometown to work there. So when I see Hillary working in her hometown, working at state-level as a Senator, and working at the national level as Secretary of State I really feel that connection with my own family, who strives to do good in their own community.

Osman Bangura, State College, PA

I think Hillary is very liberal and would give a lot more people chances to succeed. As a minority myself, I think that she is the better candidate for me. She will continue making progress from President Obama. I really like Obama’s platform and I like that she could carry on and keep it going.

I respect the Black Lives Matter movement. I am from Philly, from the inner city portion. There is a lot of poverty going on. I think Hillary’s platform would be more helpful to people in that sector.

I definitely think that she would fund education more. Education is important. I think Democrats have more respect for students, especially those trying to pay for college. College is very expensive. She would help students pay for college more than Donald Trump would.

Kat Levernz, State College, PA

Kat Levernz, State College, PA

I am a Hillary supporter. I think Hillary is shattering the glass ceiling. She is going to put economic policies in place that will work for Americans. She is socially progressive and she believes in the right for marriage equality.

Wesley Ginnick, Altoona, PA

I have been supportive of Hillary since 2005 when I first heard about her. At the time, I was in the closet. I knew I was gay, but was hesitant to come out because of some issues with my family. I first saw Hillary when she was advocating for the Matthew Shepard Hate Crime Bill. I saw her on CSPAN — I knew who Matthew Shepard was and the horrible things that happened to him, and saw this person speaking passionately about avenging his death and making sure it never happens again. Right then and there, I knew I would support her. Eventually I realized that she was the Former First Lady and that I probably should have known who she was.

Going into 2008, having had that experience with her, I got involved with her campaign and have followed her ever since.

I’m from Altoona, Pennsylvania. As a gay man, it was a little rough growing up in that area. My parents were confused about it at first, didn’t know how to react to me being gay. Everyone has their own struggle and journey. Some people definitely have it worse than I did — I had it good.

I am a construction management major, so Hillary’s plan for funding infrastructure, the largest since WWII, is definitely a huge deal for me. I know firsthand the bad shape that our roads and bridges are in and how that affects the economy as a whole.

Siobhan Leonard, Blue Bell, PA

I am from Blue Bell, a little outside of Philadelphia in Montgomery County. I am studying International Relations. I am voting for Hillary for a lot of reasons.

I feel drawn to her because of what she stands for socially. I like her ideas on the LGBT community, on the environment, and on the economy as well.

I believe that everyone should be on an equal playing field, regardless of their background. I know America already stands for that, which is great, but I think it needs to be an even bigger part of our country.

Erik Arroyo, State College, PA

I am a Hillary supporter because I like that she stands up for women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, and rights for people of color. Also, she has an effective plan for the pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and a very good immigration reform policy that she wants to put in place.

I recently saw that Donald Trump said that he was going to go stricter on undocumented immigrants here who had committed crimes. Then he said he’d soften up. Then he said he’d be strict about the criminals again, but not sure about the families. I feel like he goes back and forth, back and forth and I feel like Hillary would be way more effective at running the country than Donald Trump.

It is very important for young people to have someone to look up to, and for young women to have a role model like her is very inspiring. What Barack Obama did for the the African American community, I feel that Hillary will do for the female population of the United States.

Sazia Nowshin, Moosic, PA

I am from Moosic, PA, and I just turned 18 in August. I am a freshman at the University of Scranton. I am voting for Hillary. I am Muslim and I am frightened at the idea of a Donald Trump presidency. So I will continue to support Hillary and vote for her in November.

Trenton Harvey, State College, PA

I’m 17 years old and I go to Penn State University. I am a psych major and I hope to go to medical school.

I believe that Hillary Clinton would make an amazing President. She would fix so many problems in America right now — problems with foreign policy, inequality, gender equality, LGBT rights, racial equality, and more.

I love what she is doing with the LGBT community. She is an advocate for us. I’ve seen her out with the community and I love it — it just warms my heart. Her minimum wage policies are also great. I love how she says we need to work to where we need to be.

I have never been involved politics before and this is the first time I’ll be old enough to vote and I’ll be voting for Hillary Clinton.

Simone Daniel, Scranton, PA

I am 28 years old from West Scranton. I am an artist — a writer, performer.

I think that Hillary Clinton is very competent and she knows what’s up in this country. You don’t have to agree with every single thing that she has ever done, especially when there is such a clear choice in this election.

I like her because she just doesn’t stop. People are so critical of her 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and she keeps getting back up and keeps fighting. I really respect that. I like that, and think that is a quality that more people need, women especially.

Kashan Nazim, State College, PA

I’m an international student from Pakistan.I support Hillary because she has a lot of potential. She is a very gifted public speaker. She wins the hearts of people. I have watched her on TV and she is very encouraging and listening to her makes people believe in her.

Hannah Bisbing, State College, PA

I support Hillary because not only is she the most qualified candidate in this election, but she is an advocate for women’s rights and human rights. She is a great role model for young women and young girls, and I think that is really important.

I believe everything would improve with Hillary Clinton as President because she is always making people’s lives better. I think it will be great for the LGBTQ community, for women, for human rights activism, and for the migration crisis happening right now.

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