Reborn To Be The Change I Want To See

Hillary for Nevada
3 min readAug 30, 2016


Flor is a cancer survivor and a single mother who immigrated to the US in search of the American Dream. Flor’s journey was filled with barriers, but her determination to give a better life to her children didn’t stop her. On November 8th, Flor and her son Carlos will vote for the first time ever and their votes are for Hillary Clinton.

“I decided to move to the US after my divorce. Like any other immigrant, I came in search of the American Dream and to raise my kids. I came with a bag filled with only my dreams and determination to find an opportunity for a better life. I was without money, without family, I didn’t know the language, and I was undocumented. It was difficult, but not impossible.

During her first years in the US, life wasn’t easy and it wasn’t getting easier after learning she was diagnosed with a life-threatening disease:

“Seven years ago, my life changed when I was diagnosed with stage four cancer. Doctors told me I had only 20 days left on this earth. During that time I had a part-time job and I was uninsured. After winning my difficult battle against cancer, I felt re-born. It was after that moment in my life that I began getting involved with my community, with women who are battling life-threatening diseases, or are in situations of domestic violence.

With another chance to live, Flor knew she had to act upon the change she wanted to see in her community.

“Sometimes, Latinos that can vote don’t do so. Latinos, are a large representation of the US population, but our voice is underrepresented. We need to make our voice heard in order to change the history of what we are living. All it takes is one person to change our future or destiny. Two years ago my son and I became US citizens and we’re very excited because this is our first year voting and our voices will be heard. It’s very important to us that our voices are heard loud and clear.

At work, I have to listen and talk to many parents. All parents want what’s best for their children but, the changes we wish to see don’t happen overnight. Changes only happen when each of us plays a role in making it happen. In this case, we are playing our role by voting. As a professional and a mother, we have to be vigilant of our children’s future so that they can be successful. For that reason, it’s important to go out to knock on doors, spread the word, register voters and cast our vote.

As a survivor who has knocked down every barrier, Flor knows that Hillary has what it takes to be a fighter for all of us.

“I identify myself with Hillary because for her entire adult life she has constantly fought for reforms that are important for our health and our families. I feel empowered by Hillary because she is lifting our voices for hardworking women like myself. During this election, we have so many issues simply hanging by a thread– education, health, immigration, and our economy. It’s important that we have a woman represent our country because we must break down the notion that women can’t hold a position of leadership that still exists today.”

“I’ve always said that, behind a good man there is a great woman. In this case, Bill Clinton was a great president, but Hillary will be even greater.”

Make your voice heard! Join Flor and her son by registering to vote here:



Hillary for Nevada

Hillary for Nevada is the official account for our grassroots team to elect @HillaryClinton. Follow us for updates & to get involved! #Hillary2016