Hillary for SC
4 min readOct 29, 2015


SC Legislative Black Caucus Chairs Announce Support for Clinton

Columbia, SC — A dozen South Carolina Legislative Black Caucus Chairs announced their support of Hillary Clinton. Organized in 1975, the Caucus has grown to dozens of members including Senator John Matthews, an original member and the longest serving African American in the General Assembly.

“I am honored to have earned the endorsement of these past and present leaders of the Legislative Black Caucus,” said Hillary Clinton. “The Caucus has been a leading voice in the Palmetto State since the civil rights movement, fighting to address the issues that keep families up at night. They’ve led the fight for affordable health care, quality education and smart investments in South Carolina communities, and I am eager to stand with them as they work to address gun violence, expand Medicaid and raise the minimum wage.”

“Hillary Clinton believes we can do better in this country of closing the gap between the haves and the have nots and providing opportunities for children to reach their God given potential. As she’s done her entire life, Hillary will continue to fight for the middle class, fight for job opportunities, fight for education, and fight for a more perfect union” said Sen. John Matthews, Jr., the Assistant Democratic Leader.

“Hillary’s record is unmatched. She’s spent decades working on the same issues that are at the top of our list in South Carolina: health care, opportunity, education and good-paying jobs. As president, she will deliver results for children, families, and our country,” said Rep. Carl Anderson.

“As an advocate for children and families, Hillary Clinton will work to empower South Carolinians by raising incomes, increasing the minimum wage, and closing the education gap. She’ll be a partner in promoting and passing policies to help families get ahead and stay ahead,” said Rep. Bill Clyburn.

“Hillary Clinton is the only candidate with a lifelong record of supporting countless children and young people. Starting with our youngest learners, she is fighting to ensure all of South Carolina’s children receive the tools they need to thrive in the economy of the future,” said Rep. Jerry N. Govan, Jr.

“Hillary Clinton will be a progressive who gets things done for South Carolina women, children and families. Her priorities are the priority of working families like increasing the minimum wage, paid family leave, and affordable health care and child care,” said Rep. Leon Howard.

“As we confront the realities about race and justice in America, Hillary is focused on taking action to reform a biased criminal justice system, end mass incarcerations, and increase our investments in education, and job training. Her work for justice and equality began long ago in South Carolina when she investigated the living conditions of youth incarcerated in adult jails as part of the Children’s Defense Fund. We need her in the White House to continue delivering results for our state and country,” said former Rep. I.S. Leevy Johnson.

“Hillary has a message that resonates with South Carolinas because she’s focused on the problems that keep families up at night. Hillary will move the country forward by increasing the minimum wage, supporting small and minority businesses, and expand access to health care,” said Rep. John King.

“Hillary has been working for decades to ensure all Americans have access to affordable health care. She’s gone up against the insurance companies and worked across the aisle to help create the Children’s Health Insurance Program. With more than 600,000 South Carolinians still without health insurance, she will defend the Affordable Care Act and fight to expand Medicaid,” said Rep. Harold Mitchell.

“Hillary Clinton won’t shy away from the tough issues and will work around the clock to build on the agenda of President Obama. She’s the only candidate in the race who will fight everyday to keep our communities safe and deliver results on gun violence reforms — our children, families, and communities deserve action,” said Rep. David Mack, III.

“Too many of our neighbors and communities continue to live in poverty, which is why we need an advocate who understands the need of our poorest children and families. Hillary has been fighting for decades to confront the challenges facing both rural and urban communities, and as President, she’ll tackle the income inequality facing our citizens and invest in education and health care,” said former Sen. Kay Patterson.

“As a Senator, First Lady, and Secretary of State, no one has delivered results quite like Hillary Clinton. She’s passionate and focused on the issues that are on the minds of South Carolinians such as education, health care costs, and increasing wages,” said Sen. John Scott Jr.

“Hillary has been on the front lines of equality and justice for decades — it’s not a new fight to her. From her work with the Children’s Defense Fund here in South Carolina to her record as First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State, she always fought to ensure everyone has a chance to live up to their God-given potential. If we want lasting change, we desperately need someone to continue President Obama’s progress and take us to another level,” said Rev. McKinley Washington, former South Carolina State Senator.


For Immediate Release, October 29, 2015
Contact: sformas@hillaryclinton.com
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Hillary for SC

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